Chapter Three: Goodness Trials

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The night passed quickly, and the sun rose over the horizon, shining into (Y/n)'s bedroom. The young fox grumbled in annoyance and rose to a sitting position. (Y/n) rubbed her eyes from sleep before the smell of eggs caught her attention. She quickly stood and opened her bedroom door, hurriedly making her way to the kitchen.

"Good Morning!" Marmalade called from the front of the table in the dining room. He was sitting in a tall chair, hair still a mess from sleep. He was reading a newspaper with the headline: "Can the Bad Guys Change?" Marmalade looked up at the young fox as she sat down at the opposite end of the table. "How did you sleep?"

"Good!" (Y/n) confirmed, she looked at the kitchen through the doorway that lead into the dining room.

"Mr. Cuddles is making our breakfasts right now. I heard you like eggs." Marmalade smiled, putting his newspaper down.

Mr. Cuddles quickly served breakfast, giving (Y/n) eggs and bacon and giving Marmalade oatmeal with dried fruit and yogurt.

"Thank you, Mr. Cuddles!" Marmalade thanked with a grin.

"Thank you." (Y/n) thanked him with a small smile.

The two finished breakfast, where they talked about the plan for the Bad Guys. Marmalade took (Y/n) on a quick tour of his home.

"The dining room."

"The kitchen." Mr. Cuddles waved from his spot at the sink, in the middle of washing dishes.

"My room."

"Your bedroom, of course."

"The guest room, this is where the Bad Guys will be staying."

"The patio/backyard."

"The pool."

"The bathrooms."

"The game room."

"The fireplace room."

"This is my private room, I'm keeping it locked while the Bad Guys are here just to prevent any unnecessary crimes."

"The living room! This is where we end the tour. The Bad Guys will be here soon and I want to put on our best looks! Mr. Cuddles will help you with your hair, so why don't you put on your best outfit!" Marmalade said, prompting (Y/n) to leave the room.

(Y/n) walked back into the guest bedroom and got dressed, when she got back to the living room, she saw Marmalade fixing his pale green bow in the mirror.

"Ah, good! (Y/n) why don't you sit in this chair while Mr. Cuddles does your hair?" Marmalade pointed to the tall chair sitting in front of a large mirror. (Y/n) sat down in the chair and allowed Mr. Cuddles to put her hair in a style that fit her. (Y/n) got down and Marmalade took her seat, letting Mr. Cuddles do his hair and adjust his suit. As Mr. Cuddles finished, the doorbell rang, alerting the group of the arrival of the Bad Guys. "Oh, goody!" Marmalade gave a few small claps and hopped off the chair. (Y/n)'s tail began to quickly wag as she followed Marmalade to the front door.

"Oh, wow!"

"Big and fancy!"

"Rodent's got taste. Okay!"

There was a grunt followed by, "Almost makes me wanna be cute."

(Y/n) gasped, hearing the voices of the Bad Guys so close.

Marmalade led (Y/n) to the lamp of himself holding the Love Crater Meteorite, the centerpiece of the front door area. "They say experience is the best teacher. And they are wrong. I am." The Bad Guys looked around for the voice before finally spotting the Guinea pig standing next to the lamp. (Y/n) was nowhere to be found. "Good morning, students of goodness. And welcome to the first day of the rest of your best life." Marmalade gave his speech.

The Bad Guys: Child Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now