Once Tuk had caught Beatrice up on everything, she sighed dramatically and stroked Tuks cheek lovingly.

"Thank you Tuk, i feel so much better knowing everything now!" Beatrice pulled her into a tight hug, Tuk smiling widely. Once they parted, Lo'ak went in for a hug next, causing Beatrice to look up at Neteyam nervously as she hugged him back. Neteyam frowned softly, becoming angry with himself that he caused Beatrice to feel nervous about hugging his brother. He mouthed it is okay to Beatrice, causing a small smile to grow on her face before hugging Lo'ak tightly. As he pulled back, Beatrice pulled on one of his braids, causing Lo'ak to groan knowing he couldnt get her back yet. Kiri jumped onto Beatrice suddenly, taking her into a big hug as she sniffled.

"You scared me so bad. You were not moving at all, it was so scary. Please do not do it again." Kiri said softly, pulling back to face Beatrice. The human felt her heart break at her words, guilt consuming her.

"Oh Kiri im so sorry. I dont even know what happened.. i was just laying there and then suddenly, im waking up here. Im so sorry." Beatrice said genuinely, wiping away Kiris tears as they fell. Kiri waved away Beatrices words, smiling at her. Beatrice pulled her into another hug, giving her a soft squeeze before Kiri pulled away.

"We will come back later, okay? Let you rest. We love you, Beatrice." Lo'ak said softly, patting her arm. Beatrices heart warmed at his words, tears building in her eyes from hearing those words for the first time in a really, really long time. She smiled at them all, nodding her head as she fought back the tears. The three younger Na'vi climbed off her bed, giving her big smiles as they left the room. Jake and Neytiri walked up to her, Jake taking her hand and giving it a squeeze as Neytiri leaned down and kissed Beatrice on her forehead. She smiled up at the two, blinking away her tears as her heart overflowed. The two adults walked out of the room, Neytiri looking at her son as they exited, telling him with her eyes to fess up to her already.

Beatrice fiddled with her blanket, taking a deep breath as she was left alone in the room with Neteyam, the scene of him flirting with the Na'vi girl replaying in her head.

"You dont have to stay, Nete.. im sure there is someone else you want to spend time with." Beatrice said softly, looking up at him and forcing a smile on her face. Neteyam frowned at her words, walking back to her bed and sitting on the edge of it.

"There is no one i would rather spend my time with." Neteyam replied softly, taking one of Beatrices hands in his, bringing it up and kissing her palm. Beatrice let out a breath, shaking her head softly.

"Its okay, Neteyam. I promise." Beatrice responded, looking up at him and forcing another smile. She looked back down, her hair falling in front of her face. Neteyam frowned, reaching up and tucking her hair behind her ear before gently lifting her chin to face him again.

"There is no one i would rather spend my time with, Beatrice." Neteyam said firmly, staring into her eyes deeply. He slowly started to lean in, causing Beatrices breath to hitch in her throat as her eyes closed slowly.

"Okay Bea im gonna run your labs again!" Norm said cheerfully as he walked back in, his face glued to the tablet in his hand. Neteyam and Beatrice jumped back, both breathing heavily and blushing darkly. Beatrices eyes went down to her lap, trying to catch her breath as Neteyam took a deep breath from his mask, watching Beatrice from over the top of it. Norm set down the tablet, looking up at the two and looking between them carefully. He raised his eyebrows suspiciously, deciding not to ask about it and grabbing the tubes he needed. He made his way back over to Beatrice, attaching one tube at a time to her IV to draw the blood.

Beatrice scrunched her nose at the blood and looked away, grimacing. Neteyam smiled at her actions, shaking his head lightly. With Beatrices free hand she combed it through her hair, touching the few braids that Neteyam left at the base of her head with confusion once she found them. Neteyam blushed lightly, unable to look away when Beatrice looked at him questionably. He gave her a shy smile, causing Beatrice to laugh softly and twist one around her fingers. Norm gently patted Beatrices arm once he finished collecting the blood, rushing over to start the testing on them.

Neteyam grabbed Beatrices hand again, playing with her fingers as everyone sat in a comfortable silence. Beatrice watched him, her free hand coming up to her neck, feeling something touch her skin. She ran her hands over the necklace, a smile growing on her face.

"Nete?" Beatrice was met with a soft hum as a response, him looking up at her and blushing when he noticed her fiddling with the necklace. "Whats this?" She asked softly, rubbing her finger over one of the beads. He reached up and untied it from around her neck, handing it to her so she could inspect it.

Beatrice smiled brightly as she held the necklace, her eyes looking over each and every detail. She chewed on her lip, butterflies filling her stomach as she admired her new necklace. She raised her eyes back up to Neteyam, smiling as she caught him already staring at her. She quickly placed the necklace back on, tying it snug around her neck.

"Its like yours." She murmured, reaching up and touching Neteyams necklace softly. He beamed at her, nodding his head happily. She cupped his cheek gently, taking his hand with her free one and kissing his palm softly.

"Thank you, Tey. I love it." She whispered, causing Neteyam to feel like he was going to burst with happiness. They continued to speak quietly about random things until Norm spoke up, shock evident in his voice.

"Your cells are doing better than before, Bea. They were regenerating three times as fast last time, now id say about four to five times as fast. This is incredible!" Norm spoke, not peeling his eyes away from his tablet for a moment. "This means you can go back to your room whenever youre ready, but going out and about, please continue to be careful. We dont want this to happen again, okay?" He asked genuinely, finally looking up at the two. Beatrice nodded her head furiously, unable to wipe the smile off her face. Norm walked back over to her and started to remove her IV, Beatrice practically bouncing in excitement to be able to go back to her room. "Continue the medication for me, okay? I'll bring another bottle of it to your room in a couple hours."

Neteyam helped Beatrice out of the bed carefully, helping her put on another medical gown to cover her backside as they walked back to her room. He refused to let go of her hand the entire way, only letting go when she was sat on her bed and he walked to her closet, trying to pick out clothes for her. He easily grabbed a pair of shorts and her usual baggy tshirt, pointing to her drawer that he knew held personal human items.

"Do you want me to go in there?" He asked, a cheeky smile on his face. Beatrice stuck her tongue out at him, getting off the bed and making her way to the drawer. She held her hands out for the clothes he picked before shooing him away, grabbing the last thing she needed before making her way to her little bathroom. She started the shower, looking over at Neteyam sitting on the floor through the doorway.

"Will you rebraid these pieces after i shower?" She asked shyly, playing with one of the braids.

"Of course, oeyä tìyawn. Anything for you." He responded happily, causing a big smile to grow on her face again. She closed the bathroom door, leaving it cracked a bit so she could still hear Neteyam if need be. She gently untied her necklace, placing it on the sink before undoing her braids, brushing through her hair. She quickly got undressed, hearing Neteyam whine about how long she was taking causing her to roll her eyes as she stepped in the shower.

Beatrice made sure to take a quick shower, hopping out as soon as she finished scrubbing herself and quickly drying off before getting dressed and tying her necklace back on. She exited her bathroom, rolling her eyes again when she saw Neteyam pouting at her. She sat on the floor in front of him, turning her back to him so he could add a couple braids into her hair. Neteyam happily did so, leaving a kiss on her shoulder once he moved her hair to one side as the two basked in each other's presence for the rest of the day.

oeyä tìyawn ~ neteyam sullyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora