The beginning

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Brittany is asleep and wakes up to her alarm

A man walks in, Bryan

Bryan- Hey princess! Wakey wakey. Your friend, Ellie is here with the guys.

Brittany- Okay, thanks Dad. Just let me get ready.

Bryan- Okay. He closes the door behind him

Brittany gets up and puts her shoes on, some deodorant, and a jacket

Her tv starts turning on and is talking about wet roads but she doesn't pay too much attention

She grabs her bags and walks out

She closes her door

She walks out her front door and sees Ellie and Jacob beside eachother

Brittany- Hey!

Ellie- Hey girl!

Brittany and Ellie laughs

Nathan gets in the backseat with Jacob

Ellie gets in the passenger seat and Brittany gets in the drivers seat

Bryan- Hey! Be careful you guys!

Brittany- Yea, yea. Bye dad!

The group drives away but Bryan notices the car leaking fluids

He groans and decides to follow the group and warn them

He continues to follow them but gets cut off by a semi and can't see the group

The red SUV enters the highway with a few others

Ellie- What yall wanna listen to?

Jacob- Anything is fine with me.

Brittany looks behind her and notices the semi

Brittany- Ugh, hate those stupid trucks.

Ellie- Get in the left lane, it'll pass.

Brittany- Alright.

A motorcycle speeds past the SUV

Nathan- Damn, he has got somewhere to be.

Brittany- For real.

The radio starts playing music

"I'm on a highway, to hell!"

Ellie looks over at Brittany and laughs

Ellie changes the radio station to the one they like

Water kicks under their tires

The motorcycle a few cars in front of them turns by accident and hits a semi truck beside him, the semi swerves and hits the side of the tunnel

Brittany- HOLY SHIT!


Ashley and Chanel are in their Escalade and Chanel notices the semi crash

Chanel- ASHLEY!

Ashley- What? Is doing her makeup in the mirror

Chanel grabs the wheel and turns it

The Escalade serves into another lane and gets hit by a log truck

Ashley pokes her eye with her mascara and her eyeball pops out, killing her

Chanel hit her face on the dashboard and dies on impact

Brittany steers the SUV trying to avoid the crash but gets side swiped by a semi truck and the SUV starts doing barrel rolls

Bryan notices the car flipping

Bryan- NOO!

2 cars slam into the back of the semi that hit the wall

The tunnel wall starts to crack and a few pieces fall off onto cars

Water pours into the tunnel slowly

Brittany- Are... you guys.. okay?

Ellie- My head...

Nathan- Oh shit, babe you okay?

Ellie's forehead is bleeding

A huge chunk of glass is sticking out of Jacob's leg

Nathan- Holy shit, Jacob!

Bryan turns the car trying to reach his daughter but gets hit by 3 cars, he swerves and hits the log truck

A dump truck comes in fast and crushes his car, killing Bryan

Brittany starts crawling out of the car through the broken window

Her hands get cut up with glass

Ellie- Be careful!

Brittany holds her cut up hand

Brittany- I know!

Brittany looks up and sees water dripping into the tunnel

Brittany- Get out you guys, theres water!

Jacob- I... cant!

Nathan- I'll carry you!

Nathan grabs Jacob and pulls him out, he picks him up and looks to the entrance of the tunnel and a car comes and hits the guys, they go flying. Nathan flies into the side of a semi and breaks his back, killing him. Jacob flew into a black car hitting his head on the side, twisting his head causing him to die

Ellie- NATHAN!!!!!!!

The girls cried as they saw

Rue and bethany notice the huge crash and try to break


They slam into a garbage truck and Rue flies put the windshield into the back of the garbage truck, the crusher started to crush the garbage inside. Rue got trapped and couldn't move

The garbage truck crushed her and her body got ripped in half

Bethany started screaming as she woke up

Bethany- HELPPP!!!!

A truck with a ladder on top crashed into the back of Bethany and the ladder flies off and flies into the car, decapitating her

Lola and Frank swerve off the road and hit a tree, the tree collapses onto them

Danika and Yolanda crawl out of their car into the waist deep water, they help eachother move

A huge chunk of rocks above come crashing down killing the girls

Ellie and Brittany have made it across a few lanes and noticed the girls die

A boat from the river above comes crashing into the tunnel from the water above sinking the boat

Christie gets out of her crushed black car with a bloody nose and the boat crushes her, killing her

Brittany looks up and sees rocks collapsing and screams

As the rocks get closer, it flashes to Brittany turning onto the highway

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