Signature Dish Challenge

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I watched as the red digital clock started to count down from an hour and the contestants rushed towards each of their stations, grabbing their ingredients. I watched Aaron closely. He was in the third left row, and he was running to the pantry, grabbing some ingredients I knew were Italian, because of course the hotel served Italian food, that is all that he knew.

I was surprised but confused at the same time. Why was Aaron here? To show off his skills genuinely? To get away from Brookstone? To see me? I don't know but I need answers. This was so unexpected.

As I watched Aaron grab oregano, fettuccine, and tomatoes and cream, I blinked and looked towards to Gordon who sat down at his chair watching everyone closely. I looked around, turned off my mic, and tapped on the table to get his attention.

Gordon turned to me once the first tap was heard. "Yes, Evelyn?" he asked, his pale blues looking into my eyes.

"Did you know Aaron was going to be in the show?" I asked.

"Me?" Aarón asked looking between me and him.

"No." I replied.

Gordon put his index finger on his chin thinking before nodding. "Yes, I read his application. I accepted it because he wanted to grow as a chef rather than be a bartender."

I nodded and leaned back in my chair. Odd. I thought Aaron's passion was truly bartending, I had no idea he wanted to cook and become a chef, unless he practiced at home, but still it seems weird. I have to confront him when the cameras aren't rolling.

I decided to look at the others who was cooking their lives out, and I sighed softly. This was going to be a long hour. The timer showed 40 minutes left. I looked down at the table and rapped my fingers on the wood.


Thanks to a thing called Wattpad Magic, we were able to time skip towards the end! How fantastic is that?

The cooking time was over and all of the contestants were in front of us holding their dishes in their hands. They all seemed so nervous, and I would be too if I were in their place.

Gordon looked at the crowd. "Alright, we will let volunteers who would like to go first." He said. "So let's go."

A older African American man walked up to the front with his dish, happy and prideful. A small chuckle came from him as he placed his dish on the table.

"Alright, state your name and where you're from please." Gordon said.

"I'm George, and I'm from Douglasville, Georgia." The man replied. "Yes I was named after the state."

"What did you make for us, Georgia? I mean George?" Gordon joked, making the others laugh.

"I made a jambalaya with avocado spread and seasoned scallops with ginger." George explained looking at the judges.

I bit my lip. Scallops. Gordon told me that was a challenge he did for Hell's Kitchen and it was tough to create scallops perfectly. Let's hope it was good.

Gordon took the first bite, cutting through the scallops and to our surprise it was completely raw and rubbery.

What the hell, George.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but this is fucking raw. Absolutely uncooked! And not to mention this jambalaya is slimy and not seasoned at all. The avocado isn't even ripe!" Gordon said shaking his head. "And you call yourself a southern man?"

George only looked down. "Sorry, chef."

"You should apologize to your whole entire bloodline." Gordon snapped. "Not letting my other judges try this, straight to the trash."

He pulled open a trashcan and put the plate in it and kicked it away.

George walked back into line looking disappointed and sad.

"A rough start huh?" Gordon said. "Let's hope this next one is better."

I glanced at the way Gordon was looking and back at the contestants.

A woman with purple hair and many piercings walked up to the front holding her dish.

"Hello, I'm Doxa, I'm from Spokane, Washington." She said with a Australian accent.

Gordon nodded gently. "Welcome to the show, Doxa. What have you made for us today?"

"I have made a plant based griddle plate using cauliflower flour and cage free scrambled eggs along with split pea sausage with pure maple syrup on top." Doxa replied smiling at us.

"Sounds good, holy shit!" Joe said with a smile before digging in.

Doxa only laughed.

Gordon dug in along with me and Aarón and I felt the maple flavor along with flavor of the beans and the sweetness of the syrup. It tasted really good, especially for a plant based meal.

"I think it's good." Gordon nodded. "I would have used something different than cauliflower for plant based like wheat and eggs. The sausage is good, a bit too spicy but that's only opinion. Very nice Doxa."

"I agree this could have been experimented on more, but with the hour limit we understand." Aarón explained.

"The griddle needed a bit more maple ness and the eggs could have been cooked a bit more." I chimed in. "But very good. Plant based dishes are the new."

Doxa nodded. "Thank you chefs." She thanked.

"Of course, you can head back." Gordon replied.

It was then Aaron walked up to the stand and held his dish. He glanced at me and back at Gordon.

"Looks like we have a familiar face!" Gordon exclaimed. "Looks like it is Aaron from Hotel Hell! Nice to see you again."

"Likewise." Aaron nodded.

"Go on." Gordon said.

"Hi, I'm Aaron from Woodburn, Oregon." Aaron said with a smile. "I have a fettuccine pasta with fresh tomato vodka sauce and oregano."

"Fresh vodka?? Count me in!" Aarón exclaimed. "I'm kidding, name twin."

Aaron only chuckled.

I gave my old coworker a knowing look before digging in his dish. It was pretty damn good. All the flavors equalled out perfectly.

"No words it is good." I said as I leaned back.

Aaron nodded. "Thank you Chef Masters."

I blinked and looked down.

"I agree with the Venom. Good. Next!" Gordon replied.

Who knows what might happen next. I just need answers from Aaron now.

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