Chapter 3

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Y/n L/n

"We were just wondering if you'd like to join our friend group, and sit with us during lunch?" A girl with short brown hair asked, I felt hesitation build in my body before shaking my head softly. Hoping to get to class before the rest of my classmates, I glitched into the building, placing my stuff into the locker with my name on it. 

I continued my way to my class, 1-A specifically, when I entered, there was already a few students sitting in their seats. There was a guy with purple hair that's standing against gravity and tired-looking eyes, a blond with an angry expression, and one other guy sitting in the back with purple ball-like hair. I made my way to my seat, which just so happens to be beside the first boy. 

After some time, everyone in the class arrived, as well as a teacher with black hair and tired-looking eyes.

Once lunch came around, the girls came to my desk, successfully blocking my desk neighbour to the left; the tired-looking boy with purple hair. They started to question me, their voices talking over one another as they try to get answers out of me. It doesn't matter how long they try, I'm not going to crack. I glitched out of my seat and into the hallway, walking down the stairs before going back to my locker, to grab my lunch.

I think Kurogiri made me something nice for the first day of school today, opening the lunch pail while walking back to the classroom. I'm not worried about someone taking my stuff that's in my locker, since the door tends to close automatically and locks once it closes, and can only be opened by fingerprint recognition. 

As I walking back to the classroom, people started to follow me as I walked, I looked over my shoulder and saw the group from earlier. I sighed and decided to ignore them before glitching back into the classroom with my legs on the desk.

Villain Quirk but Heart of a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now