Anyway, getting admitted into a top fashion university was already enough for me, and right now.

"Hanna, are you even listening?" The teacher asked suddenly as I came out of my thoughts, I stood up and bowed down, "Sorry mam, I was a bit distracted, sorry again," I said as she sighed and told me to sit, I heard a few giggles, but as always ignored them.

"Hey Hannah," I heard as we all walked out of the class, she was my friend, my first friend in mumbai, ava.

She put her arm around my shoulder, "Let's go eat something, I'm starving already," She whined as I chuckled at her cute face, she's too cute to handle sometimes.

"Yeah sure," I said as she smiled widely before dragging me to the cafeteria, all the students made a huge line for food, "Uh Uh looks like it will take a long time for getting food," ava said as I nodded.

"Okay Hannah, you better look for some seats, till then I'll bring food for us," She said as I nodded and went to check for some free seats. It has been 3 months already since I'm attending school here, honestly life has become more peaceful without those fake ass parents who'll probably fight every day for some stupid
baseless reason.

"I'm here," ava said as she came with 2 plates filled with food, I smiled and took it from her, "Hey I've never asked this before, but do you have any Insta acc?" She asked me as I nodded, "Of course duh, who doesn't," I said with a duh face.

"Then give me your acc username gurl, I'll follow you," She said as I nodded and gave it to her.

"Woah girl you already have 12k followers, but why did you keep it as a fan page of Rathores?" She asked me, now how can I reveal my identity on social media's, so no way.

"It's because I don't really like to reveal my personal life to anyone," I said while still continuing to munch down the food, she nodded.

"Here's mine," She said while giving me her insta id, as I followed her back, "Gurl even you have 10k followers," I said, "But less than you tho," She said back, well fan pages get followers easily.

It's been 3 months since I used my previous acc of mine, where I actually talked to aryan, I really wanna go there, but I can't, I'm just afraid that I'll reveal the truth to him, did he miss me the same way as I did?

Aryan Pov

"Again messaging imlie?" Arpita di asked me as I looked at her and sighed before nodding.

3 months, 3 FREAKING MONTHS, she didn't message me back, I've been messaging her daily, but she did not even see them.

I don't know what happened to her, after telling me she would come to mumbai, she never messaged me again, never even told me to meet her, just left me as nothing happened. Does she not miss me as I miss her?

Imlie, aah, just reply to one of my messages, please.

"She won't message you back I guess, I think she is busy with her life too," jiju said as I slowly nodded.

"We have to practice now, let's go," He said as I kept my phone aside while making my way to the practice room.

(There will be many time leaps, so plz get along with it)

2 years later

Imlie Pov

Here I am, collecting my graduation certificate, I passed my fashion degree with the highest marks, I daily call my parents to ask them about any updates, but all I get is 'No'. I sighed.

"HANNAH!!" Ava came running towards me and hugged me tightly, we both got very good marks in our exams, and even got internship opportunities in very big companies, for very good idols, yeah idols.

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