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Here is another chapter...

Insta Chats

Well aru, u know what?


today's my friends birthday..

Really? cool

No, it isn't cuz I can't even attend her birthday party


My parents again, they don't send me out easily

It's okay, maybe one day they will

I don't think so..
I wish at least while coming to Mumbai, they'll allow me



What did she say?

She will come to Mumbai?

I texted her back



No imlie don't leave me like that, answer my question plz. I decided to audio call her, she can't leave me in suspense like this, and luckily she picked up too.


Hello aru

Hello imlie what do you mean by coming to Mumbai?

Mmm..., no proper wishing, straight to the point

Umm sorry, but now coming to the point are you really gonna come to Mumbai?

(say fast imlie)



I mean yes I'm coming to Mumbai

When? How?

Why? don't you want me to come?

of course, I want, just say me when are you coming

Umm well you'll know soon

What do you mean? wait-hello hello


"ARGH," I groaned as imlie cut the call, she left me in suspense now, I texted her again

Hey, you did not give a proper answer to me

imlie,  just don't see my message, but even reply to it, I kept my phone on the nightstand and that's when my mom entered the room.

"Aruuuuu" She sang as I raised my eyebrows at her, I know what she's gonna say next.

"Tomorrow, hehe, I-"
"I know mom, another date right?" I asked her while cutting her sentence as she smiled nervously, "Well yes, my aru is not a ghonchu after all, he is having brains" She said as I sighed heavily.

"Why mom? why do you always plan my dates with random girls without my knowledge? Actually to be very honest I don't want to go," I whined as she pouted back.

"At least try, I hope you'll like this one," She said.
"Fine fine, I know I'll not win against you, so there's no point in arguing, I'll go," I said as she smiled widely.

"Good decision, well she will be there in the this cafe by tomorrow 9 Am, be ready," She said and left my room as I sighed heavily while resting my head on my pillow, another date.

Imlie Pov
Why the fuck did you say to him that you'll come to Mumbai imlie? Just WHY?

It's not even sure that I'll come or not, it's just I'm preparing to go there, but still not sure, my stupid mind doesn't even think before typing, I can't even answer his last question well, so I just saw his message and gave him no reply, that night I did not talk to him cuz I know he would only ask about that Mumbai things.

Whatever, guess now I've to start preparing to go to Mumbai for real somehow or let this thing slide in. Fuck imlie why did you even text him that, my mind must have gone insane. UGH Imlie, you are a BIG ghonchu HERE!


1 Week Later

Imlie Pov

This whole week aru tried to ask me the same question 'Are you really gonna come to Mumbai?' like 100 times already, and I had to avoid it every time, eventually, he too stopped asking,   our college's also finally started, finally got to meet my friends too, and finally out of this prison-house at least for few hours.

I was on the way to my home, the class completed, have to go back home again, I bid goodbye to my friend as our both houses were on different directions.

After a few minutes, I finally reached my home, I opened the door to get welcomed by their fight once again, I sighed heavily, they did not even notice that I'm back home, well even if they would it's not like they would stop fighting, I took off my shoes and was about to enter the living room when I heard...

"SO WHAT? Imlie ISN'T MY REAL DAUGHTER THOUGH." I heard my mom saying that as I froze for a moment, my face was blank, I never expected this, I bit my lower lip as my vision started to blur because of the tears which will soon fall. I inhaled deeply.

"We adopted her, remember it," My mom said again, wait who am I calling mom, just got to know she isn't my mom *sadly chuckles*.

That's it for today..

I know I'm lil late and even this chapter is small ,as my exams are going. But from tomorrow I'm gonna update daily.

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