love kisses 💋

505 8 2

Basic info

Everyone has bright red hair in you're family expect you, your hair is blonde

Y/n Venus

Age 18


Nari age 8

Xavier age 19

Xara age 11

Kathleen age 17 (dead)

Mom) chole are 52

Dad) Xanadu age 56

Summary: you're mom's an actress and an idol while dad is a rich business man and stylist you've met aqua and ruby plus Ai Hoshino on multiple occasions you're very good friends with the family your sister Kathleen had died in a car crash 2 years ago at the age of 17


At school everyone would make fun of you and call you a freak ruby and aqua were the only ones who treated you like a real person you all became best buddies in a few months you went everywhere with them the next day your mom went on a trip with your siblings Nari and Xara they were her favorites she pretty much outcasted you from the family only dad and your older brother Xavier actually cares about you in the family some months later you got on a dating show with aqua time had went by so fast aqua had kissed you in the dating show after the show was over he asked you out on a date 8 months later he asks to be your boyfriend/lover/ partner
you said yes you've been dating for a  year-half he texted you if he could stay at your house for the week you said sure your family wouldn't be home for months anyway so it really didn't matter during the week he kept telling you he loved you he was really affection with you aqua says y/n you said yes aqua is there something you need love aqua comes behind you and hugs you and then kisses you all over the place you moan a bit and said a...qua what are you doing aqua says loving everything about you my lovely jemstone you blushed so hard he carries you to your bed room he layed you down on the bed he pinned your hands down he was on top of you he looked like he was needy for your attention he was kissing you all over the place you were too attractive in his eyes he couldn't stop kissing you he loved you too much you moaned his name over and over he gave you lots of hickeys everywhere he took an deep breath and then kissed you again after he was done making out with you he made a nice hot bath for the two of you to share after the shower you both went to sleep in your bed together the next day everyone saw all the love kisses on your neck as usual everyone tried bullying you again keyword tried before they could lay a hand on you aqua had intervened and took you out for a nice refreshing date night you had a wonderful time with him on your date months later your family comes home you introduce everyone to your boyfriend aqua Hoshino your sister tried to steal him dad had divorced mom right there and now without warning he told me and Xavier to pack aqua helped him we met them outside they both congratulated us on our relationship together and wished us well a few weeks later our relationship was found out but nobody dared to go against it ever ruby was super happy  and would tease us a lot everywhere we went she would say y/n and aqua kissing in a tree but when aqua actually kissed me infornt of her she would leave us alone instantly no questions asked

A/n: kind of short but I didn't know what else to add for this one next one will be longer for sure don't worry bye for now I'll post again later today maybe

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