Part 1

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It all started with a longstanding, meaningless feud between my parents and our neighbor from across the street. They would go at it for hours if they could, if it weren't for their busy lives. My parents were important figures in the film industry and they both worked tirelessly to get to this level. Our neighbor was also a figure in the film industry known as A-Lister Pedro Pascal.

For as long as I could remember they've been having senseless arguments with the neighbor about the loud music he would play or the insane eyesore that was his front yard arrangement. Somehow the neighbor had convinced HOA to allow him to display these massive art structures in his front yard, personally I think they're pretty interesting but my mother and father absolutely HATE being able to see through our front windows.

Like any other person in their mid twenties, I had more important things to care about and focus my energy on so I always tried to remain neutral when it came to their fighting. I arrived at my parent's home when I saw my neighbor outside standing in his front yard admiring his own art sculptures. I open my car door and exited my vehicle when I heard his voice call out to me.

"So...what's your opinion on the sculptures?" he asks loudly from across the street.

I stop to look over at my neighbor who was already facing me.

"Well if you're asking me for my true honest opinion I think it's a beautiful piece of art but it's in the wrong environment" I quickly respond.

"How so?" he questions further

"Well the other three sculptures are vibrant and stand out given the colors of the environment but the green one just camouflages. But you can't have the other three without the green so it's only appropriate to find a better environment to suit the beauty of all four" I add before I start to walk away.

"How are your mom and dad doing?" the neighbor announces again, stopping me in my tracks.

"Good, they've been debating re-arranging the living room and buying blackout curtains to avoid having to look at your front yard" I chuckle.

The neighbor couldn't help but to let out a smile in my direction.

"Well thank you for your input on the green sculpture" he says glancing over at me one last time.

"No problem!" I yell out before entering through my front door. 

I make it inside my house only to instantly hear my mom rushing over in my direction.

"What did that man say to you? Do I need to call the cops?" my mom says with a worried voice.

"No mom he wasn't bothering me" I say as I scurry into my old room at my parent's house.

"Well... let me know the second that he does anything and we'll handle it amor" my mother says before adding, "Your father and I are leaving for our trip in an hour"

"Okay ama, i'll come say my farewells in a bit just let me drop off my stuff first" I respond.

I settle in and change into my comfy lounging clothes. I would be house sitting for my parents while they were away for a month on a work trip. My mother and father were Mari and Miguel Valdez. They were both Academy Award winning directors who were well respected as a power couple. I had grown up in this house and moved out about 2 years ago when I turned 22 years old.

I made my way to the main living room to see assistants hauling luggage everywhere and my dad plopped on the couch.

"Hey sweetie, how's my girl doing?"

"I've been good dad how about you?" 

"You know, there's always something going on but we carry on anyways right?" he says focusing his attention back to the flatscreen tv.

"I suppose"

"Oh honey please remember the cats eat twice a day once in the morning and once at night. Oh and their meds, they take their meds with their morning meal. Can you remember that?" My mother eagerly demands as she rushes through the living room.

"Yes mom I got it, I'll write it in my notes"

"Okay well I'm ready Mitch, let's get going. We don't want to keep them waiting on us" my mom says.

"I love you princess, we'll see you in a month", my dad says while he gives me one last hug.

My mom gives me a big long hug and kisses my cheek before they both exit leaving me all alone in their big empty house.

After awhile of being alone I brought out a bottle of wine and started to play music. I had a small concert to myself with my mom's dogs Ivy and Apollo as the audience. Some time had passed and it was dark out now. I was dancing by the front door when I heard several loud knocks coming from the door. Slightly tipsy off wine I make my way to the door and opened it. There stood an angry looking Pedro whose expression softened the second he realized who opened the door.

"Oh hi" I say awkwardly.

"Hi I came here to complain about the music since Mari and Mitch always call me out on it but I realize it's just you" Pedro exclaims.

"Yeah they're gone for a month actually so i'll be house sitting until further notice" I say trying to catch my breath from all the dancing.

"Oh sorry you look like you were busy, I didn't mean to bother you."

"No it's fine I was just uh...dancing...all by myself", I respond.

"Ah, one of those nights", he disclaimed.

"Yes, one of those nights" I muttered.

Pedro studied my face and then carried onto scratching the back of his head.

"Well i'll leave you back to your dance party. Uh...I apologize for the inconvenience", Pedro apologized before smiling and quickly walking away.

"Okay...?", I let out as I watched his figure get smaller and smaller.

I couldn't help but think about his odd behavior at the end there, not sure what that was about. The night came to a close and I started my night time routine to get ready for bed.

I tucked myself into bed and cozied up into a ball of warmth before slowly drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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