Ren then runs for the door as Jaune gets back up to pursue, 'I run for the exit.' Just then Fox steps in front of the door. 'Fox blocks it.' Without wasting a beat, Ren ducks down, avoiding Jaune and at the same time pulling down Fox's pants.

The female students all blushed at seeing Fox's behind, they all quickly covered their eyes. Glynda sighed averting her eyes from her exposed student, while Oz gave a chuckle muttering something about, "Boys will be boys."

Meanwhile Coco grinned and pulled down her glasses while licking her lips seductively, "Oooh Mama likes~~"

"Coco!" Velvet called out, blushing even more at her leader's comments.

Thanks to the dodge, Jaune ended up tagging Fox instead, 'It's show time.' Ren smirked, 'Jaune has now tagged Fox, it's fair game.' Ren quickly moved behind Jaune and rapidly punched him in the butt. 'I speed bag him.'

The girls once again looked away blushing, but Ruby and Velvet took quick peaks at the Arc's bounciness. Blake and Weiss also took quick peaks but they would deny that ever happening.

Yang and Pyrrha grinned hungrily, already imagining a lot of scenarios with the blonde in the bedroom.

After tenderizing Jaune's ass Ren then elbowed the blonde in the knee causing him to fall to the ground. Ren then makes a break for the window, Fox tries to chase but his pants trip him up. Ren then jumps out the window, rolls off the roof and lands on the ground laughing feeling more alive than ever.

"Ren!" Pyrrha called out worried for her partner.

"Isn't this too much for a game of tag?" Weiss questioned, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"In tag, anything goes." Nora responded in a deep voice while everyone looked at her and Ren sighed.

The boys, Blake and Yang all rush over to check on him.

"Ren! You okay?" Neptune questioned, genuinely concerned for his friend.

"Oh I've never been better! Welcome home boys!" Ren greets, while Yang applauds him for the successful escape. Ren then notices the new face, so he asks, "Who's this?" He questions pointing at Blake.

"Oh this is Blake, she's a reporter. We're gonna be famous!" Neptune exclaims answering his question.

"Did they ah, ever mention that I've never been tagged?" He questioned feeling confident.

"Extensively." She responded.

"Never been tagged! Just saying." Ren gloats.

"Okay, calm it down dragon boy." Yang chuckled, though it felt strange seeing the normally quiet Ren so confident.

Nora would have to disagree on the calming it down part, if anything she wanted him to turn it all the way up. Just imagine it, Ren pushing her down on the bed and punishing her like the naughty girl she wa-

"Nora, you're drooling." He called out concerned for his partner, who was indeed drooling.

She quickly wiped it off and blushed, but then she noticed that Ren appeared to be sniffing something, "What's that smell? And why does it smell moist?" He questioned. The thunder girl blushed so hard she probably could have camouflaged into Ruby's cape.

"BATHROOM!!" She shouted to which Mike pointed her in it's direction as she ran off.

"I can't believe you would rather not invite your closest friends to your wedding than risk getting tagged!" Jaune shouts, "Hey Jaune look, you're here aren't you?" Ren replies. "I knew you'd come!"

"Hooky!" Calls out Nora appearing at his side, "The Valet needs the keys." She said.

Ren greets her and motions for his wife to come closer.

Ren then introduces her to all his friends.

"We didn't invite you." He says

"Yeah sorry." Nora apologizes.

"Boys! This is Nora! My soon to be bride!"

"Hi!" The boys greeted happy for their friend.

"She'll explain everything." Ren said putting the responsibility on her.

"It's just, everyone on my mother's side had May weddings and I don't want mine ruined for anything. I swear, I don't want to be that girl....but at the same time I feel like being that girl is kind of understandable." Nora explained.

"I don't see what the big problem is, having a big game of tag on your wedding day sounds fun." Ruby said, imagining her wedding with Jaune where it would be raining cookies and strawberries.

Just then Nora came back and quietly took her seat, not making eye contact with Ren at all.

"Baby, baby." Ren interrupted her, "You don't need to make excuses." He told her.

Turning towards his friends, he asks, "Look I've already broke the fucking window! What are we going to do with this?"

Jaune then began to think it over and seeing that Ren and Nora didn't want their wedding ruined, but he really wanted to continue the game. So after some more thinking he came to a conclusion.

"Amendment!" He states.

"Amendment!" Ren replies, accepting the truce.

"Alright get in here!" Sun calls out.

"Truce!" Ren shouts once more as he walks into the club.


"So how was that?" Mike asks the audience.

"It was pretty funny and action packed for a simple game of tag." Yang said impressed by the world.

"I'm just happy that Renny is still the tag champion!" Nora exclaimed pulling the boy into a hug.

"Though this universe did seem more Ren focused than Jaune focused....No offense to you Ren." Weiss explained which got everyone else to agree with her.

"Well there will be universes, where Jaune plays a major role, but he isn't really the main character. If you know what I mean." Mike explained causing everyone to nod in confirmation.

"Well the next one is going to be a lot more action packed and a bit sad." Mike stated, causing the students to get nervous while the two professors got interested.


A/N: I forgot how funny this movie was, definitely gonna make more chapters on it. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, oh and here's a teaser for the next one.

"I once saw him kill three men in a bar with a pencil.....A. Fucking. Pencil."

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