The Encounter

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Derrick walked with his younger brother, Reynold, to their father's study after being told by a butler to report there immediately. Neither knew the exact reason their father needed to see them so urgently.

Reynold crossed his arms behind his head to cushion it. "What do ya think our dad wants to talk to us about?"

Derrick shrugged. "I cannot be certain. Did you perhaps misbehave?"

As expected, his brother let his temper get the best of him."I ain't do anything! And even I did, why would he call you in too, huh?! Did ya think about that?!"

Derrick sighed. "Lower your voice. I was merely suggesting a possible reason. We will find out soon anyhow."

They completed the rest of their walk in silence. Derrick lamented how uncomfortable it was to be around his only brother. It seemed that every time they spoke, it only ended in an argument. He missed how they were inseparable as kids. Unfortunately, they grew distant after their mother passed away and then even more so after their sister disappeared.

Why did I even offer to walk with him in the first place? He thought frustratedly to himself.

The heir to the Eckhart family snapped out of his thoughts once they reached the door. The butler opened it for them before announcing, "The Young Duke and Young Master are here, Your Grace."

Derrick walked in first and was momentarily confused upon seeing his father. He was holding what appeared to be a 12-year-old orphaned girl in his arms. She was sickly thin, very pale with dirt all over her skin and clothes, and her hair seemed dirty, awry, and unkempt as well.

Derrick scrunched up his nose in disgust. What in the world is Father doing with a dirty commoner such as her?

Upon seeing the two of them, the little girl hid her face in the duke's chest.

"My sons!" the duke greeted them with a smile. "I have good news to tell you both. This is your new little sister!"

"What?!" Reynold yelled, outraged. "The hell do you mean new sister?!"

"Reynold, mind your manners. There is a child present," the Duke scolded him. He pat the little girl's back. Derrick noticed how she trembled slightly in fear.

She must not like the loud voices of men.

"How did you come to adopt this girl?" Derrick asked calmly, careful not to show his emotions.

"I was meeting with a few other nobles and stopped by in the capital for some lunch. I found this precious little girl begging for food. Her parents recently passed away and she was left all alone on the streets," the Duke explained sadly as he pet his daughter's hair. "She reminded me so much of your sister that I couldn't leave her there to suffer. I decided to adopt her."

Reynold grew angrier and slammed his fists on his desk. "So you're trying to replace Yvonne, is that it?! No one will ever replace her! Especially not this filthy commoner!"

"Reynold!" Duke Eckhart snapped back as he covered the little girl's ears. Derrick could hear her sobbing into the duke's chest. "How dare you be so cruel to someone you just met? Go to your room right away and think about what you've done!"

"You don't need to tell me twice!" Reynold retorted before stomping over to the door, swinging it open, and slamming it shut once he left.

Duke Eckhart let out an exasperated sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose . "Derrick, I hope you'll be a bit more accepting of your little sister than Reynold just was."

Derrick gave a curt nod. "Of course, Father. If this is what you truly desire, then I respect your decision. I will welcome her wholeheartedly to the Eckhart family."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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