Ways We Are

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"You're alive, and that's what matters," Tenten said as she cooked something for him to eat.

He said nothing, instead sitting there while the television played. He'd said nothing when he mysteriously appeared a few months ago and still hadn't said anything, but then, nobody had expected Neji to turn up.

Nobody reacted either, but somehow Tenten figured the lack of reaction bothered him before bringing him food so that he might eat something before massaging his shoulders. She leaned in, snuggling into his neck as he ate, pulling out a book to read her cup of tea nearby. "I'm just happy to have you here with me."


She paused. "Naruto's still aiming for that, if that's what you're asking?"

"You?" came another one-worded response to her question.



"What do you mean?"


Tenten took a deep breath and continued snuggling into him while she was on break from her duties, not knowing what the future would hold beyond them being together.

"You admired her."

"So you think I want to become Hokage like her?"


"Maybe," Tenten sighed. "It can wait. Right now, I'm enjoying my time with you because you're home. You're finally home, Neji."

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