Episode 6 - Well Gang, It Looks Like We Got A Mystery On Our Hand

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"Augh! Oh no!" we heard Cassie scream, causing us to freeze.

"I don't like the sound of that," Ivor commented as we ran towards the doors.

Jesse kicked the door to the main hall open while Lukas, Petra, and I posed. We looked over and saw Cassie backing away from a very open front door while Winslow hissed.

"Shut the door! Shut the door!" Jesse shouted, running over to Cassie.

He pushed her out of the way, properly looking at the zombies, who made their way toward them. Jesse spotted a lever next to the door, rushed over, and pulled it down.

The door slammed shut a second later.

Lukas, Petra, Ivor, and I rushed over to check if they were okay. Cassie picked up Winslow. "C'mere Winslow. Don't be scared," she whispered before she looked at Jesse. "So we're stuck in here. And if we're stuck in here... We're all doomed!"

I looked back and saw Dan, Lizzie, and Stacy walking out into the main hall, with Stampy peeking out from behind the corner.


We all gathered together to discuss what had just happened. Our group was on one side while Cassie, Winslow, Dan, Lizzie, and Stacy were opposite us with Stampy pacing in a circle in the middle.

"I thought I heard Sparklez say something about a flint & steel?" Stacy pointed out.

Stampy stopped, turning to look at her. "Oh, please don't bring that up again," he told her while I noticed Lukas walk away to look at something.

"Well, obviously TorqueDawg didn't steal it," Lizzie concluded.

"Okay, but WHO then?" Dan questioned.

"Uh, Chrissy? Jesse?"

Jesse and I looked back to see Lukas motioning us to where he was standing. We walked over and stood close by, looking where he was looking.

It was the portraits of TorqueDawg, Captain Sparklez, and Ivor.

TorqueDawg's one was already crossed out and Sparklez's one was now as well... Oh, God.

Petra and Ivor walked over to get a closer look.

"Well," Ivor muttered, causing the four of us to look at him. "I guess I'm next then,"

Petra shook her head. "Nope. Not happening," she denied.

I stepped forward, setting my hands on my hips. "Don't worry, Ivor child. We'll protect you," I reassured him.

Ivor looked at me gratefully. "I appreciate that, Crystal. I just hope that this 'White Pumpkin' isn't beyond all of our abilities,"

"Well, I'm sure there's a pretty logical explanation for how the White Pumpkin is doing all this. I mean, the whole place has gotta be rigged with traps, right? TorqueDawg - trap. Sparklez - trap," Lukas concluded, turning to me.

"Yeah. We need to find out what makes these traps tick," I agreed.

The others nodded, agreeing to the plan. We walked to stand in front of the open doors that led into the dining room.

"All right, children. I'm going to investigate that dining room," I informed them.

"Cool. I'll keep those guys in the hall for now so I can keep an eye on everyone," Petra said, looking over to Jesse. "Jess, can you help me out?"

Jesse blushed, nodding after a few seconds. "Y-Yeah, sure,"

"An excellent idea. Don't want them messing up the crime scene," Ivor agreed, crossing his hands.

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