DevonLee: Something's coming... 

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Xavier started a podcast two years ago during a hiatus titled Conversations with a Rockstar where he interviews all the biggest rockstars in the industry. The first episode featured Slash which was pretty fucking iconic and it gained a lot of attention in a short amount of time. All these streaming platforms started hitting him up to take his show off of YouTube and keep it solely on their platforms.

Spotify offered him a hundred million dollar deal which he took and released fifty episodes on their streaming platform. Negotiations for another series fell through and Xavier set up his own streaming platform which allows him to do his podcast in video form so it feels as if the viewers are in the room with them.

There are talks to make Conversations with a Rockstar a late night talk show but I'm not sure of the direction that Xavier wants to go in. All I know is that I will be there to support him in way possible because he has done so much for me.

"It feels good to finally be sitting here for your podcast." I playfully roll my eyes at my husband. "It only took you two years and like a hundred episodes for you to invite me in for a chat."

Xavier laughs loudly, "You could have expressed interest in the show."


"This conversation will be really deep as we dive into your childhood through to adulthood so I want to thank you for agreeing to this. I know that it's not a topic that you like to speak about now that you've established this new life of yours so I really appreciate you." Xavier reaches forward to squeeze my hand and I smile warmly at him.

"Just don't make me cry." I joke even though I am being serious. "Everything seems like a blur now that I'm sober and think more logically but I would like to share my tory."

Xavier gives me a small smile. "Prior to the infamous image coming out, what was your life like?"

"I was obviously aware that my life was different considering that my dad was away a lot and his face was plastered everywhere but my life was pretty normal. A lot of my youth was divided between my mom and my paternal grandparents who shared custody over me." I take a sip of my wine. "My mother was a glamour model who unfortunately passed when I was eleven so I moved into my grandparents home at that age."

"Sorry to hear that." Xavier gives me a comforting smile and I smile sadly. "Why is it that the image of you at twelve years old with Tommy Lee at the grocery store the first photo that the public saw?"

 "Why is it that the image of you at twelve years old with Tommy Lee at the grocery store the first photo that the public saw?"

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"Anytime people think of Devon and Tommy Lee, they instantly think of that picture but it was just a picture." I lick my lips. "There's a backstory which led to announcement of my being. The truth is that there are many pictures of my dad and I from before that time but since we were always photographed in group settings, people assumed that I was some groupie's daughter."

His eyes widen in surprise, "Oh shit."

"My dad didn't really bring me around his people like that but we lived in a pretty small town so everyone there pretty much knew who I was. Whenever he would bring me out to New York or Los Angeles, there was always an entourage but not on that day." I laugh a little to myself. "We were doing some grocery shopping because I wanted to spend the summer with him and the paparazzi were acting like assholes. I think one guy got a little too close and that's when he snapped on the guy-"

"And called you his daughter." Xavier finishes for me and I nod my head.

"He was like 'Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?' then he proceeded to trash the guys camera and yell at him for getting close to me." My husband looks at me in surprise since this isn't the story that made news. "That's how they knew I was Tommy's daughter so people see the picture but don't know the story. My dad literally went to court for assault and practically nobody knows or cares."

"That photo made you a child star without you having done anything." Xavier states and I slowly nod my head. "You begun modelling shortly after but you made headlines after appearing nude on the cover of Playboy at the age of sixteen."

"The highest amount of magazines sold in a day up until two years ago."

"What is it like for you to have such power and fame at that age?" Xavier asks as he leans back in his seat. "You had Playboy putting you on billboards and TV but you were always doing something more."

"I would never wish it upon anyone." I tell him while shaking my head. "That was a trainwreck ready to happen but it's one that we have seen all too often which only makes it even more depressing. I was making so much money that I didn't feel as if I had to listen to anyone as I suddenly became the breadwinner."

"You were earning more money than Tommy Lee at the age of sixteen."

I rub my lips together, "At the age of sixteen."

"That sounds crazy to me even though I know your story but to think that you had surpassed your fathers level of income and fame at that age is almost scary." Xavier leans forward as I take another sip of my drink. "What happens next?"

"I buy a penthouse in Beverly Hills where I begin a career as a video girl for all the artists because my name equals money. That lasted about six months before I decided that I wanted to be the main attraction and not the love interest." 

"Everything went to shit when you turned eighteen as you started making headlines every week for some mischief that you were up to. People thought that your dad would change his ways to parent you but you guys were throwing parties and crashing cars together." I grimace at that. "You were regarded the devil spawn of Tommy Lee and you quickly became the person that people loved to hate."

"I was a piece of shit." We both laugh at my words. "I honestly have no answers as to why I wanted it to be all about me when I was pretty good kid growing up. A part of me thinks that maybe I acted out because it kept me relevant... often times I didn't feel that growing up."

Xavier nods his head in understanding, "You did something crazy at twenty two."

"I LEAKED MY OWN SEX TAPE, BABY!" I down my wine glass before throwing my arms up in the air. "That sex tape took me to a whole new level of fame that led me down a dark path that saw me making tapes with everyone that I was sleeping with and leaking them when they pissed me off."

"Should I be worried?" My husband wiggles his brows at me. "Or should I lock everything away?"

"Asshole." I flip him off while laughing. "I do want to stress that I did do six months in prison for revenge porn which is a complete violation of someone's rights and something that I deeply regret. I have spoken to every person involved to apologise and have made efforts to rectify my actions even though I know that it's hard to do when it's out there."

"Do you regret any of that?"

I shake my head no, "Those events kickstarted the changes that I made to myself and my life in order to become a better person."

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