Pulling the group out of their conversation Professor McGonagall stepped forward with her own wand poised and ready as she asked, "How do you know about this place?" The brunette looked the older woman up and down before smirking. "You must be the infamous Minnie I've heard so much about."

The Marauders all heard the man's words and looked between one another with questioning eyes. They were the only ones that they knew of that called the transfiguration professor "Minnie," but they had no idea who these people were.

Little did they know there were four Slytherins who tensed when the brunette had spoken.

Professor McGonagall was about to reprimand this man for calling her by a nickname but was soon interrupted as another flash of light erupted through the hall.

This time there was a large screen replacing the area where the teachers were previously eating, and a note that happened to float in the air for a couple seconds before flying into Regulus's hands.

Not liking the situation she had been thrust into, Regulus clenched her jaw and let out a sigh before drawing her wand and casting a quiet Sonorus. Looking down at the note she read:

Dear Wizarding Britain and Avengers,

You are now locked inside the great hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the year 1977.

Due to recent events and those in the future, the need to intervene has arisen.

There is too much to explain in a simple letter, so I have compiled these events into what muggles call movies.

You will watch all of them.

Maybe you can change the course of the future.

Because if you don't everyone and thing you know and love may just disappear.


Lady Magic

Once Regulus finished reading, she cancelled the amplifying charm and let the note float back to the front of the hall.

To say she was shocked would be an understatement. And if she was right, which she almost always is, then these people somehow know her in the future. They wouldn't know that nickname otherwise.

After verifying that the note was real, Dumbledore and McGonagall turned to the aforementioned "Avengers."

They lowered their wands as McGonagall kept a stern gaze on them and said, "Introduce yourselves."

Each member of the group nodded before turning to face the majority of the hall.

The first to speak from the group was the one referred to as "Legolas." He gave a wave and said, "Hey, the name's Clint Barton."

The redheaded woman spoke up from his right. Her facial expression reminded a lot of students of a "pureblood mask" as she said, "Natasha Romanoff."

The brunette with the band t-shirt said, "Tony Stark." He smirked before making eye contact with Regulus and saying, "Adopted father of Leo."

The specification of this man's fatherly status flew over nearly everyone's heads. The ones who understood? Regulus, her friends, and her brother Sirius.

No one was given time to question Tony though because another blonde stepped forward. This man was taller than the rest in his group and had long hair like Natasha. Louder than the rest he said, "Thor Odinson. God of thunder."

To say the witches and wizards were shocked would be an understatement. Most of them didn't want to believe that a god existed and was standing amongst them, but purebloods with families that went back hundreds of years definitely did. They had been learning about higher beings like Thor for as long as they could remember.

Regulus had to stop her eyes from widening to a comical size. Her parents had strayed from worshipping such gods in favor of believing they were the superior race. So much so that when she or Sirius even showed an inkling of wanting to learn about them, they were punished.

Another brunette man with glasses hesitantly stepped forward as he wrung his hands. "Uh, Bruce Banner." His name caused some of the Ravenclaw half-bloods and muggleborns to gasp. They had already quietly freaked out about Tony Stark, but now that both geniuses had introduced themselves, they couldn't help their reaction.

The last man stepped forward with his hands clasped behind his back and gave a simple nod. "Steve Rogers."

After the introductions no one really knew what to do. There were a few seconds of awkward silence before small tables started popping up all around the hall. This startled students enough so that they started hopping up out of their seats. When pretty much everyone was standing the house tables disappeared and were quickly replaced by bean bags and couches overflowing with blankets and pillows.

It was a surprise to everyone, but the seating looked extremely comfortable, and no one was about to turn that down.

The students of Hogwarts seemed to stay in their houses as they found their seats. The Avengers saw this and Tony could be seen shaking his head and rolling his eyes in response.

Regulus, Evan, Barty, and Rabastan gravitated towards the Slytherin section of students, but they were also on the very edge of the larger group. They were there out of house unity, not desire.

Just as people were getting settled, a third flash of light came from a dozen or so feet in the air. When the brightness was gone people were met with another loud thump and a man groaning.

As he stood up, the man lightly groaned once more, but as he brushed his long black hair out of his face and saw where he had landed and who was present his green eyes widened.

The Avengers eyes had all widened at the sight of this man, but Thor was the one to stand up and yell, "Loki!"

Loki's eyes snapped to his brother instantly. With a forced grin he said a light, "Surprise." With a flash of sadness followed by anger Thor said, "You died." Loki clasped his hands in front of him and replied, "About that..."

Thor huffed at his brother's actions and a rumble of thunder could be heard outside the castle. However, instead of responding, the god of thunder flopped back into his seat on a couch next to Bruce.

Loki let out a breath as Thor reclaimed his seat. Looking around, he recognized key features of the room around him due to a description he had received long ago. Abruptly being brought out of his observation, Loki was met with an elderly man's voice saying, "If you would introduce yourself, we can start watching the future." Out of the corner of his eye he saw a man, shorter than himself, with an extremely long, white beard with matching hair. He stiffened in recognition.

Blankly looking out at the occupants of the hall he said, "I am Loki of Asgard. God of mischief and lies."

The students and teachers were once again shocked by being in the presence of a god.

Barty, Rabastan, and Evan all watched as Regulus's blank mask almost broke. They saw the recognition in her eyes at Loki's name and figured she had read about him just like they did. What they also saw though was the once over she gave the dark-haired god, and the slight lean forward she made.

Loki knew the Avengers wouldn't want him sitting by them, but he didn't really care. At least he knew who they were. Everyone else in this room was a complete stranger and part of a race that had people who prided themselves on "keeping the blood pure." So, he ended up sitting in an armchair of his own that was to the left of Thor.

The hall descended into an uncomfortable silence, but silence nonetheless.

After a few seconds, the fires that kept the room bright, dimmed, and the large screen at the front of the hall magically turned on.

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