introduction 2

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DING! The elevator had arrived, we proceeded to get in and multiple students got in with us.

"Hah, you have to tour the newbie around the school, goodluck with that Steph" said a white haired boy. He had hair white as snow, eyes that were sharp as eagles, was tall, muscular, and had an american accent.

Steph rolled her eyes and spoke "Oliver, at least they trust me with new students, ever since you attempted to show a new student around and set the lab on fire with your 'mad science skills' I don't think they've trusted you since. His grin fell and looked me up and down. DING! We had arrived at GL and then I followed Steph down a hallway, "ignore Oliver, just your typical jerk" I laughed at her comment and followed behind her.

"You'll be sharing a dorm room with me Avery!" Steph seemed pretty excited to be rooming with me. I smiled lightly and walked into our room with her holding the door open for me. Of course the room was just as good looking as the perfectly manicured grass. There were two sides to the room, one side had the bed made up, and had obviously been claimed as Stephanie's side of the room. I set my suitcase down on the other side of the room and looked outside, there were windows looking out onto the green lawn.

After I had my room set up, Steph asked whether I'd like to come with her to the plaza, of course I said yes enthusiastically. "At the plaza we'll be meeting up with a couple of boys, so go get changed". She winked at me and I just smiled back.

I chose a brown rib cage tank top with some gold jewellery. I layered two necklaces, a choker and a gold necklace with a pearl. I paired my outfit with a pair of cargo pants and looked in the mirror, I combed my hair gently and walked out of the bathroom.

"Done! Are you ready to go Steph?", I asked. "Mhm, okay I'm ready too!" Steph replied while swiping on some lipstick. I looked at her outfit and grinned after making sure that mine wasn't too much. She wore a light blue dress with spaghetti straps which barely fit her, but it complemented her dazzling brown eyes and wheat blonde hair perfectly. She looked me up and down and seemed pleased with what I chose to wear.

We walked down the hallway and instead of taking the elevator like we did earlier, we descended down a different hallway leading to glass doors and they automatically opened. I smoothed my hair down and we walked down the stairway and I gasped, the plaza was like a mini town. There was a fountain in the middle, plenty of restaurants around, a mall, and I swear I could see a beach. Who has a beach in their school?! My mouth must've made an odd shape because Steph looked over "it's a lot to take in, isn't it?" She giggled. "Yeah, this'll take some getting used to but I think I could get used to this" I replied laughing with her while gazing in awe at the scenery.

We walked down the stairs and ended up next to the fountain, "I guess we're here first" Steph remarked. "Yeah I think so" I replied back. She got her phone out and called one of the boys we were meeting up with and put him on speaker. "Charlie, we're at the meeting spot, how long until you get here?" I heard a deep British voice come out of the speaker "Stephanie dear, we're walking out of the plazas entry right now." and with that, he hung up on her. She mumbled about annoying British accents. I winced slightly when noticing who was walking down the stairs on the way to the plaza.

I spotted Charlie walking down the stairs with the white haired boy we met in the elevator earlier. "Charlie and Oliver! Over here!" She yelled. "You do know, I can see perfectly from here and I don't have any issues with my eyesight" he yelled back. She rolled her eyes and muttered something about boys and their smart remarks. Behind Charlie and Oliver were a couple more people.

"Stephanie meet Charlie" Stephanie introduced a boy to me, i looked at him and saw brown hair, which was slightly curly and he had a slight tan, and freckles which dotted his face. "Pleasure to meet you Avery!" I smiled back politely and spoke "nice to meet you too Charlie."

"And you already know Oliver. The jerk in the elevator, remember?" She rolled her eyes and glanced at me.

"Yeah, I remember him", "hey Avery, I'm Oliver, the jerk from the elevator, remember me?" I laughed at his silly remark and he grinned back at me.

sorry it's been a month! hope you enjoy this <3

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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