Problem Children and An Important Talk

Start from the beginning

As time went by, I got to know them better. I learned that Midoriya wasn't new to hospitals or doctor's visits since his quirk often hurt him. I didn't know that was possible for a person, so I was glad to have learned that. Todoroki did eventually open up to me a bit, but I thought he was kind of...weird. He took things very literally, seemed to be quite naive, and just stated things how they were. It was odd behavior, but he was sweet. Iida was incredibly uptight. He seemed to be a stickler for the rules, and he had this habit of moving his arms up and down like a robot. He was a bit odd, too, but he was also very kind.

After Midoriya got done telling me about his experience at the sports festival, I noticed it was getting a bit late. "Well, it was lovely to meet all of you. Hopefully Aizawa will let me-"

"Izumi?" A rough voice sounded from behind me. I quickly turned around, my face draining of all color. It was my boyfriend, Shota.

"Oh, hey Sho," I waved sheepishly.

"What are you doing here? How did they even let you in?" He raised a brow, glancing at the three kids beside me.

"Sir, if I may," Iida spoke up nervously. "Ms. Okazaki wanted to check in on us."

"Yeah, and she brought us sweets!" Midoriya squeaked out. There was a beat of tense silence as he seemed to process this new information. Then, a tired sigh.

"Do they know?" I slightly nodded at his question.

"I made them promise not to tell anyone else in their class," I squirmed under his gaze.

"You three behaved?" Shota glared at them.

"Of course, Mr. Aizawa!" Iida nodded vigorously.

"Good, I certainly wouldn't want to hear that you pestered her," he said as he pulled up a chair to sit next to me.

"You aren't mad?" I asked in surprise.

"What? Why would I be?" That mask he had on broke a bit when he turned to face me, but he quickly regained his composure when he remembered he was in front of his students. I subtly squeezed his hand, a signal to tell him I would discuss it later. "Anyway, how are you three feeling?"

"The doctors told me my wound will be completely healed very soon. I should be ready to leave the hospital in a few days or so," Iida reported.

"Uh-huh, same for us, sir," Midoriya pointed to himself and Todoroki.

"That's good to hear. I had to pull a lot of strings to get you three off the hook. You don't have your provisional licenses yet, remember, so pull a stunt like this again and you may not be so lucky," Shota warned, narrowing his eyes at the three 'problem children,' as he described them.

"Yes, sir," they said in unison. Shota let out another sigh and stood up.

"Alright, I gotta go. It's nice to see you three healing well. Give Ms. Okazaki your thanks," he put his hands in his pockets as he left. I scrambled to pick up my stuff.

"It was so nice to meet all of you," I leaned forward to whisper, "if Aizawa lets me, I may be able to meet the rest of your class."

"That would be awesome, Ms. Okazaki! It was lovely to meet you, too, and thank you for the sweets!" Midoriya bowed his head.

"Yes, the sweets were very good," Todoroki gave a small bow of his head as well.

"Thank you for visiting us, Ms. Okazaki," Iida bowed his head low. I smiled at them and returned the gesture, following Shota out of the door. I glanced at Shota, but he was only focused on getting out of the hospital. I suddenly felt a bit nervous at his quietness. Even though he said he wasn't upset at me, I did just tell three of his students who I was without saying anything to him first. It was a little insensitive of me. Hopefully he wouldn't yell at me or anything. Once we were out of the hospital, he finally turned to me.

The Artist and the Hero (Aizawa x OC)Where stories live. Discover now