We'll Keep Going On

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Yukina had never thought something like this would happen to her. But, here she was. Being accused of being a witch. She wasn't a witch. But, no one would believe her.

She fled her town before they could kill her. She knew they would come looking for her. She had to put as much distance as she could between them.

She ran and ran for as long as she could until her legs gave out. She was terrified. She was alone in the forest. Alone in a place with animals who would kill her. Was it better than being hanged? Yukina did not know.

She heard something approaching her. This was it, wasn't it? She was going to die. She could smell wet fur. This animal might be a wolf. Yukina gulped and braced herself for the end.

Instead, the creature nudged her, "Hey. Can you hear me?"

There was a hand placed on her. Yukina weakly lifted her head. A girl knelt before her.

"Why are you out here alone?"

"My... my town thinks I'm a witch... they're going to kill me..." Yukina stared crying.

The girl pulled her up and into a hug, "It'll be okay. I'll protect you."

"I'm not a witch..."

"Are you just a human?"

"No... I have some... siren blood."

"I see. My name is Sayo. I'm a werewolf. I'll take care of you."

"Yukina..." Yukina mumbled before she passed out.


When she woke, she was on a soft bed. She opened her eyes. She was in a cabin. Yukina sat up and looked around.

"Hello. You're awake. My name is Lisa. Sayo brought you here to rest. She'll be back soon."

There was someone with her. Yukina stared at her for a while.

"I'm a witch." Lisa continued, "Sayo is kind of my familiar."

"Thank you..."

"It's nothing. We hate when towns do this." Lisa said as she smiled at Yukina.

"Are we safe here? They won't find us?" Yukina asked as she stood up.

Lisa frowned and shook her head, "No... we're both being hunted as well. We've managed to outsmart them for now, but..."


"Nowhere is safe. Hunters are everywhere in this world."

"I know... I wish there was a place we would be safe from that at." Yukina sighed.

"I do too." Lisa nodded, "Would you like some food? I just finished cooking."

Yukina nodded, "Please."

Lisa handed her a bowl. Yukina hesitantly tried it. It was not too hot to each. She slowly ate it, glancing up at Lisa every now and again.

The door to the house opened, "I'm back. Got the herbs you wanted."

Sayo returned to the house. She handed a bag filled with plants to Lisa. Lisa thanked her and took the bag somewhere else in the house. Sayo walked over to Yukina.

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright. Sore from all the running yesterday." Yukina replied.

"I wish we could find a place where people accepted us..." Sayo sighed.

"What happened to you guys?"

Yukina was curious to know how they ended up on the run too. She was not sure if they would be willing to tell her, though.

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