"That guy did pretty much all the talking for both Max and the accomplice.

They are a team, and I'm sure there are others I have not met yet, who are also corrupted," Sophia responded, thinking for a few seconds.

"I don't know his name, but Kaito might know more about him than I do," Sophia said.

"He is very powerful and has the same fighting technique I've taught you, but he has more experience.

He was able to abuse the algorithm of the Card Fighters Tower, which is impossible to do, making him even more powerful.

When you face him, do so with caution.

I'm counting on you, Taki." Sophia stared at him, expressing her trust in him.

"I won't let you down, Sophia!" Taki said confidently.

"Taki, I'll--" he envisioned himself turning around from chatting with Kyoko's un-brainwashed friend. "I'll beat you to the elevators!"

"Nakoi, no!" Taki exclaimed, grabbing her bicep to prevent her from falling.

He gently pulled her up, and they met eyes in awe. "What is it, Taki?" she asked.

"I'm going to have to decline the offer of practicing with them on this floor. It's for the greater good," Taki explained.

Naoki sighed and nodded understandingly. "I get it. You're on a mission. Good luck, Taki," she said, before heading away from  the elevators.

Taki took a deep breath and prepared himself for the battles that lay ahead.

With Sophia's advice in mind, he decided to stick to a single color deck, opting for a powerful red deck.

He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to emerge victorious and put an end to Max's plans once and for all.

Kyoko laughed as she shuffled her deck of cards.

'The more I play card battles, the more complex I become!' she exclaimed excitedly. 'I just can't get enough of it.'

Taki grinned and cracked his knuckles. 'You bet I'm up for a card battle,' he said eagerly. 'Let's do this!'

They each rolled their dice onto the table, the sound of the plastic hitting the wood echoing through the room. Taki's landed on a solid five, while Kyoko's stopped at three.

'Looks like I go first,' Taki said, shuffling his deck with a confident grin. 'Get ready, Kyoko. You're in for a wild ride.'"

"Taki added three new cards to his fort and ended his turn.

Kyoko added two cards to her fort and also ended her turn. Taki then added a new card to his fort that had a special ability available.

He declared his three cards to attack Kyoko, and the attack succeeded, dealing 800 damage to Kyoko's main hit points. Taki ended his turn.

Kyoko added three new cards to her fort, but then discarded three and folded, ending her turn.

Taki added one new card to his fort and discarded one card before folding and ending his turn.

Kyoko added no new cards to her fort, but declared two of her cards to attack Taki. The attack succeeded, dealing 900 damage to Taki's main hit points. Kyoko ended her turn.

Taki discarded his medic action card to get enough force icons for a powerful card on the fort, then folded and ended his turn. Kyoko discarded one card to use her special card ability on the fort, "Sweeper of the Rolento," which allowed her to select three cards to discard in the discard pile as she drew four new cards to await the fort.

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