Struggling to come to terms.

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A loud bell rang out and mobs of students rushed to their lockers, classes and to skip school altogether. Kat sighed and gripped her backpack tightly.

“Ray, hurry up. Kender is waiting for us!” She complained, only getting a quiet response from the other. She shook her head and heard her phone go off, messages from someone. She huffed and pulled out her phone, moving closer to Ray to hide it. Kat stayed silent, although it was obvious she was distressed from what she read. Ray finished getting their books and heaved their bag over their shoulder.

“Alright, I’m done Ms. impatient.” Kat didn’t comment, letting out a shallow breath.
“Kat..?” Ray’s attention was brought to the messages on Kat’s phone and then to her expression.
“Hey, an answer-” Kat finally broke out of her mind as she faced Ray and sighed, looking back at her phone, Ray shuffled closer to Kat to read the messages, recognizing that it was from Atlas.

“Mom’s body was found in the car, she wasn't okay, she was dead, i called the pol- holy shit-” Ray read out the message and moved back, registering what he just read, looking at Kat.

“Poor Atlas..” Kat mumbled, cut out of her thoughts by the bell ringing.

“I mean, their mom had it coming to be fair.” Kat scoffed and hit Ray on the shoulder.

“Show a little respect, sure she was a bitch, but this affects atlas. where are they gonna stay?” Kat asked questions as they walked to their class. Ray barely listened as he rubbed his arm and sighed, walking to his seat.

“Kinder egggg-” Kender slightly groaned and kept looking at their copybook.
“Hi Ray..” Kat sat next to him, shifting in her seat as she thought about the messages again.

“Kat- hey- you okay?” Kender softly nudged Kat, bringing her back to reality. She quickly looked at him and sighed.

“Atlas messaged me..” She started, unable to continue so Ray cut in.
“Their mom died, murdered most likely.” Kender and Kat both stared at Ray worriedly. Ray looked at them.

“What?” Kender sighed,  clearing their throat.

“How are you so calm about this..?” Kender spoke, swiftly shutting his sketchbook closed. Ray gave a shrug and leaned back in his chair.

“When am I not?” Kender thought about it before accepting it, Kat meanwhile, was more upset with them. Not much could be said because soon enough, the class teacher entered the room and began the lesson. The lesson felt like it dragged on, but near the end of the class, the sound of hard shoes hit the floor and Kai made his presence obvious.

“Kai Meadows.” The teacher called out, a disappointed expression on her face as she looked at him. Kai blankly stared back at her.

“You’re extremely late. Again. What's your excuse this time?” Kai remained silent, looking behind him at another student, they walked in next to him and stayed behind him. Kai held atlas’s hand reassuringly.

“I’d rather say after class.” He said simply, sitting in the back seat with Atlas at his side. Ms Downy sighed and continued with the class, listening to the bell drowning out her voice. She messed around with the ring on her finger and dismissed class. Kai helped Atlas up and approached Ms Downy’s desk.

“Now.. may you explain why you were so late?” She started, looking up at the two students. Kai glanced at Atlas for permission before responding.

“Well.. Atlas had to stay at mine after having a panic attack this morning, his mom was.. Well..” Ms downy stopped him, now getting the gist of the situation.

“I understand.” She replied, nodding towards Atlas.
“You both should explain it to the principal - Atlas, do you have any other relatives you can go to?” She asked softly, not wanting to make them uncomfortable. He looked down and frowned.

“He’ll stay with me.” Kai replied, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“Legal action must be taken about this, Kai..” Kai scowled and kept a protective arm around the other beside him.

“Your parents can have the right to take him in once you explain it to the police first.” After she said that, Atlas spoke up.

“The police know.. I called them this morning.”  They spoke quietly, but Ms downy heard them.

“I see.. So have they talked to Kai’s family?” Atlas nodded, leaning his head down. Kai huffed subtly in a silent victory, peeking at the sheets on the teacher’s table.

“You’re both free to go.. Atlas, take some time off of work for the week.” Ms. Downy smiled to reassure him, that smile being wiped away as soon as Kai walked away with the boy in his arms.

“This isn’t right.” Everyone lifted their heads to look at Kat. She sat back in her seat, pushing some of her hair out of her face. Ray looked between Kai and Kender before sighing and reluctantly closing his book, resting his head on his hand. Kai raised an eyebrow.

“What isn’t right? If it’s about Atlas then help me-” He started, having a very quick and almost instinctive urge to defend Atlas as much as he could. Kat frowned and shook her head.

“No- There is most definitely a murderer on the loose and we’re sitting around. Who knows who they’re going after next.” Kat messed with her dark green shirt’s sleeve, fidgeting nervously. Kai’s demeanour shifted to a more anxious type. He cleared his throat.

“Well. You discuss that. I’m finding Atlas-” He promptly excused himself from the shared table, leaving the room soon after. Kat scoffed as she watched him go, saying nothing more about his leave. Kender frowned, getting uncomfortable with the tension building in the air - it was so thick, he swore he could cut through it.

Kai walked into the bathrooms, slightly peering into the neutral bathrooms. He opened his mouth to call out, only stopping because he heard crying from within the stall. Kai looked around before he entered and knocked on the stall door where he could hear Atlas’ cries. The cries stopped, becoming small hiccups. A few sniffles more and then he replied.

“In use.. Please go away.” He mumbled quietly, he’d be surprised if the other heard him.

“I am not leaving that easily. Atlas, It’s Kai.” Kai looked down at the floor, seeing the shadow of Atlas’ body moving closer to the door.

“What is it..?” His voice was so quiet, despite how much closer he got to the stall. Kai had to admit, he had a hurt feeling in his gut hearing just how much Atlas was affected by this.

“I wanted to check on you.” Kai stated simply, resting a hand on the door. He listened to the other’s heavy breathing.

“..May I come in?” He asked, speaking so gently to ease Atlas as much as he could from the other side of the door.

“I guess- “ Atlas moved back and unlocked the door for Kai to come in, as soon as he knew Kai was inside, he locked the stall again. Atlas almost immediately covered his face as he hid behind his hands.

“Why are you hiding?” Kai muttered, holding the shorters hands with his own, only he didn’t move them down. He kept them up for Atlas’ comfort.

“I look stupid right now.” Kai softly smiled and pulled him in for a hug. Atlas let out a yelp of surprise. It took him a minute to actually process what happened but once he did, he immediately clung to Kai.

“You’re safe.” Kai muttered reassuringly.

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