Marquise expected the hug to last only a few seconds, so when it stretched on for quite a bit longer, he tilted his head a little, trying to see his master's face. 

He tucked it against my neck... and while I'm not a hundred percent sure, I think he's sniffling, but trying to hide it as best he can. 

Marquise was just about to say something to question his actions when he caught himself and clamped his mouth shut. 

Vrasje said that I look like your little brother... 

He didn't need much explanation to draw conclusions from the simple sentence. Instead of talking, he slowly reached up and wrapped his arms around his master's back, then squeezed gently. 

They stayed like that for several minutes before Marquise decided to move one arm upward until his hand could gently sift through Taru's soft hair. 

He wasn't the greatest at comforting people, but he hoped that his decision was a reasonable one. He liked getting head-pats, so perhaps his master might not mind one when he was feeling stressed. He would have honestly liked to pull the blankets up and over the man, too, but there were two problems with that line of thinking. 

One, he was mostly naked beneath them. And two, he would have to move quite a bit to do that, or even ask Taru to move, which he didn't want to do. So, he remained where he was, holding his master as he did his best to sooth him. 

He wasn't sure how long they stayed like that, but at some point he heard a faint sound approaching and tilted his head the slightest bit so that he could look toward the door. 

Ah, the porcupine is here. 

He felt an abrupt shock jolt through his mind and winced right as the elder vampire walked through the doorway. The man looked just about ready to chastise him, but his words clearly died on his tongue when he noticed the situation at hand. 

When he realized what was going on he quickly walked over and, with the utmost care, untangled Taru's arms from around Marquise's neck. then lifted him up into his own arms. 

"It's okay, sweetheart," Vrasje whispered gently while rubbing Taru's back with one hand as he walked over to where two armchairs were situated across the room. 

Marquise watched as the man sat down, then allowed Taru to adjust himself however he wished until he was comfortable snuggled into his arms with his own wrapped around his master's neck. 

Behave and stay there

He hadn't even realized he'd been about to try and get out of bed until Vrasje's voice in his head snapped him back to himself. 

Settling on the edge of the mattress with his bandaged legs hanging over, Marquise watched the two with an unpleasant feeling in his belly. 

I was doing fine comforting him, he eventually replied, hoping that his words got through their new strange bond. 

It didn't feel nearly as connected as his previous wolfish ones, but he did at least sense it in the back of his mind. 

He could also immediately sense Vrasje's frustration with him, but the man seemed to quell his anger rather quickly before he gave his response. 

Behave and stay there. You did what you needed to, but he is my heir and he needs me right now. 

Marquise bristled at his words, but realized that he truly didn't know his new master all that well yet. He wasn't even completely sure what had triggered his upset, though he did have a feeling that it had something to do with him looking so much like his brother. 

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