Call From Ayesha

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Ring ! Ring ! ......
Ring ! Ring ! Ring ! Ring ! .......
Ring ! Ring ! Ring ! Ring ! .......

Ali went for shower & his phone's ringing continuously

Ali came out from shower , there was 22 missed calls from his sister.

Ali call his sister,

Ali : yea , Aysha ? What happen?
Ayesha : Abbu gotttt , heart attack maybe, I'm not sure ! Ammi took him to the hospital, I'm really afraid of Bhai.
Ali. : Don't panic , please don't! Let me call ...
Ayesha : Bhai , what I'm supposed to gonna do now? What if Abbu dies?
Ali : cool , cool , let me call Amir , nothing gonna happen, please calm down ! I'm calling Amir, don't panic please!

Ali cut the call , his hands are trembling, hes very afraid of ahis father's condition .

Ali is calling Amir.

Amir : Assalamualaikum Ali ?
Ali : Walaikum assalam , Amir. Where are you ?
Amir : I'm in Lahore , what happen? Something wrong?
Ali : Ayesha called me , she's saying Abbu is very sick , Ammi took him to the hospital , please go and check if he's fine now . Ayesha was saying maybe he got heart attack.
Amir : Allah! Khalu will be fine , inshallah, I'm leaving for Karachi , I'll inform you later.
Ali : yea , please ! keep updating me .
Amir : okay Ali! Allah Hafiz .

Ali cut the call & still he's thinking about what should he do ? Today's he's important meeting, he can't miss this , if he does it might cause him a great loss . So he chooses to go for meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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