"Ole gati kame?" Beatrice looked up at Neteyam, trying to make sure she had it pronounced correctly.

"No no. Oel n-gati kam-eie ." Beatrice watched as Neteyam emphasized what she had wrong, nodding and looking forward for a moment before looking back to Neteyam, making sure she wasnt going to run into anyone.

"Oel ngati kameie."

"Yes! And you do this hand motion with it." Neteyam brought his hand up to between his hairless eyebrows and slowly moved it down the bridge of his nose. Beatrice slowly followed his movement, Neteyam smiling at her once she got it right. Beatrice beamed up at him, learning having always been her favorite. "It is used for our elders and our Olo'eyktan, who is my father. It is also used for admitting feelings for another, telling them that you see who they are truly and you are still choosing them."

Beatrice nodded at Neteyam, soaking in the knowledge she was just given. "Will you continue to teach me Na'vi? Ive always admired it, but at base they wouldnt teach it to us."

Neteyam nodded happily, admiring how Beatrice wanted to jump into a different culture. Neteyam led her over to his family's tent, peeking his head in before allowing Beatrice to enter first. She found Jake sitting with the infamous Neytiri, both immediately looking over at the entrance of the tent once hearing it open.

"Oel ngati kameie." Beatrice immediately spoke, raising her hand up to her face and bringing it down to her nose, doing the motion to both Jake and Neytiri. Neteyam stood behind her, smiling proudly while his tail moved around excitedly. Jake smiled up at the two, repeating Beatrice and doing the motion back to her, Neytiri following silently behind.

"Beatrice, this is my mate Neytiri. My love, this is the girl Neteyam and i told you about." Beatrice watched as Neytiri stood and walked over to Beatrice, walking around her slowly and taking her in. Neteyam and Jake both huffed as Neytiri inspected Beatrice, Neteyam jumping forward slightly when Neytiri grabbed onto Beatrices hand, pulling it up to her face to inspect something.

"Atokirina." Beatrice scrunched her eyebrows as that word alone caused both the males in the tent to jump over to them, looking at her hand where Neytiri was inspecting. She knew she had a small mark on the space between her thumb and pointer finger, but she didn't know what atokirina meant. Neytiri looked up at the girls face, looking her over before letting her eyes go soft, patting her hand softly. Neytiri looked over at her son, letting go of Beatrices hand.

"Wrrpa." Neytiri spoke, Neteyam immediately heading outside with Neytiri following him. Beatrice looked at Jake confused, fiddling with her fingers.

"Did i do something wrong?" She asked timidly, Jake immediately shaking his head at her question.

"Not at all. Atokirina is basically a blessing from Eywa herself. Which means, itll be a lot easier to get Neytiri to like you." Jake gave her a smile, patting her shoulder gently. "You were meant to be with us, kid."

Beatrice couldnt help but smile at his words, looking down shyly. Neteyam and Neytiri walked back into the tent, Neteyams face red and ears flat and Neytiri with a sly smile on her face. She gave a knowing look to Jake, before looking back at Beatrice and giving her a wide smile.

"I am going to see my mother, the Tsahik and see if she has any ideas to help you. I will see you soon, maite." Neytiri spoke softly to Beatrice, her hand brushing down her nose in a farewell, Beatrice immediately doing the same back to her, even though she had no idea what Neytiri had called her. Neteyam had rolled his eyes at the word as well, grumbling to himself while his tail flicked around, annoyed. Beatrice noticed how sensitive his tail was to his emotions, it being much more than any others shes seen so far. She turned back to Jake, still fiddling with her fingers.

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