Ron felt stupid asking that question to his best friend of almost 4 years, who had done everything with him a friend would do. But Harry was quite an enigma, he wouldn't share everything about himself to others.

"Hm..?' was Harry's response while chewing on a cookie.

"Do you know how it feels to kiss someone..? Ron added, feeling a flush on his face.

"Well, I haven't kissed anyone yet.., but I do have a small idea on kissing"

"Well there was this one romance series my aunt used to watch on the television and it had a lot of kissing scenes" Harry added to Ron's confused reaction which didn't help at all.

"Oh nevermind, you wont understand, muggle things y'know. Harry said.

"But why are you asking me this? Harry asked arching his eyebrow.'

"Nothing.. no reason, just cu-curious." Ron stammered, while biting on a cauldron cake.

Ron took another cauldron cake and stuffed it inside his mouth, getting some of the icing on his cheek.

"Ron, there's icing on your face." Harry said.

And before Ron could wipe it off, Harry suddenly moved towards Ron and licked his right cheek. Ron suddenly felt his whole body turn red processing what had just happened.

"H-Harry, wh-what..?" Ron stuttered.

"What?" Harry replied.

Their faces were still few inches apart from eachother. Ron watched Harry's expressions closely, butterflies forming in his stomach. He could feel Harry's breath against his skin and the seductive vanilla scent coming from Harry which made his skin stand up.

Harry was so close that their lips almost touched.

Harry tilted his head near Ron's earlobes and breathed. "I'll show you how it feels to kiss someone". This caused a shiver to go down Ron's spine.

Just then Harry pressed his lips against Rons.

Ron felt as if he's soul had just left he's body, he's brain couldn't process what was happening right now. The famous Harry Potter, his best mate was kissing him!

Ron felt weird for a few seconds but returned the kiss.

Harry cupped his hands on Ron's face, kissing him with more force. Ron squirmed against Harry's touch. Harry straddled on Ron's lap wrapping his legs on either side of Ron's waist.

The kiss was slow, wet and gentle. Ron was caressing Harry's messy hair he was famously known for, and merlin.. it was the softest, smoothest hair he had ever touched. The boys broke apart to catch some breath and then crashed their lips the next second.

Harry had no knowledge of sex, let alone kissing. But being raised in a muggle "family", he was prone to watching a lot of romance movies. In the Dursely household every Sunday his aunt and uncle would watch some movie or series together with their son whether it be any genre. So when Harry was ordered to clean the living room, wash the dishes or water the plants he would always have the chance to glimpse at the T.V. But once a sex scene had appeared and that was the first time Harry was introduced to such love. But he brushed it off a while later as he was only 9 years old at that time.

But now he was a 14 year old teenager with raging hormones wanting the touch of someone whether it be a girl or boy. So with the knowledge of the scenes he watched-

Harry ran his tongue around the lips of the freckled boy and then slid his tongue into Rons mouth, exploring the depths of Ron's mouth. Both of the teenagers could taste the assorted pastries they had eaten not long back ago. The boy's broke apart panting for air. Before Ron could say a word, Harry placed a kiss on Ron's collar bone, which caused Ron to jump a little. Harry's then started to lick and suck each section of Ron's neck which caused him to stifle a moan. It was the best feeling Ron had ever felt, and he wondered what would be Ginny's reaction if she found out that he was making out with her crush.

Harry trailed kisses upto Ron's cheek and then kissed Ron for the final time before parting.

"So.. how was it.?" Harry asked Ron anxiously.

"Blimey Harry.., you really know how to kiss." Ron replied with a flushed face.

Harry giggled and got off Ron's bed and sat on his bed. Ron felt a bit sad that Harry left but brushed it off.

"You should clean the mess we made Ron." Harry cheekily told Ron.

"Harry! you were the one who got the boxes of snacks! Ron almost yelled.

"But I already did a favour for you Ron, wasn't the kiss enough~?. Harry told Ron teasingly. This made Ron bright in the face., and instead of protesting Ron quietly accepted defeat and quickly cleaned up using magic. Harry was facing the other side trying to sleep when all of a sudden he felt someone on his bed hugging him tightly. Harry turned his head to see his best mate Ron. Harry felt his face heating up.

"Ro-Ron w-what..?" Harry stuttered.

"Shush" said Ron, hugging Harry tightly. Harry gave in the hug and wrapped his legs around Ron's waist and just like that both of them fell asleep not knowing how people would react to them in the morning when they find out that Ron and Harry were sleeping together.

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