Midnight Treat..

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It was the night after the Yule Ball. Ron was laying on his bed accumulating all the drama that had occurred not even a hour ago. He had made Hermione angry due to his snarky comments about Krum being her Yule ball date and then she backfired at him saying that "he was too late to ask her to the yule ball", which was absolutely not true! Ron had just not thought to take her to the Yule Ball until later. Then they had caught Snape and Karkroff talking about fleeing?, and not to mention the conversation they heard between Hagrid and Madame Maxime about giants which resulted in Madame Maxime getting angry at Hagrid for assuming that she was a giant just because she was big in size.

Ron sighed and shifted on his bed to get a better view of his surroundings. Dean, Seamus and Neville were surprisingly sleeping, Maybe they were tired after dancing during the Yule Ball? he thought to himself. But there was something that was missing in the room and that was his best mate, Harry Potter.

While coming from the Yule Ball to the dormitory, Diggory had called Harry over to tell him about something, leaving Ron to go alone. What was it that Diggory wanted to tell Harry?, was it some information about the tournament or was it because Diggory wanted to tease Harry because he took Cho to the Yule Ball and Harry didn't, nah Diggory wasn't that type of guy like Malfoy to tease and bully people Ron thought to himself. Cedric was a nice guy and he and Harry seemed really close after Harry's name came out of the Goblet... Ron felt a tight knot in his stomach all of a sudden, he didn't understand felt it. Was it because of the fact that he was a jealous shitty person who had abandoned his best mate because he thought he had put his name in the Goblet to show everyone how much of a daring hero and gain more fame and attention or was it because Harry and Cedric became closer..

But the past is the past and now Ron and Harry were talking again and everything was going well, he thought to himself which resulted in the tight knot in his stomach to loosen. Then suddenly he heard soft footsteps coming from the stairs which leaded to the boys dormitory, the anonymous person walked in the dorm that Ron shared with four other boys and stood infront of Ron's four-poster-bed. The anonymous person was none other than Harry, his best friend.

Harry had just came from his chat with Cedric and on the way he had met Dobby who gave him a box full of goodies to eat as a congratulation gift for facing the Hungarian Dragon without dying and for coming second place after Cedric. Being the kind human Harry was he happily accepted it from Dobby and decided had decided to cheer up Ron's foul mood after his and Hermione's fight.

Harry jumped onto Ron's four-poster-bed and closed the curtains around it so they wouldn't disturb the others sleeping. This was normal for Harry and Ron to sometimes be awake when everyone was sleeping whether it be munching on snacks, playing chess, finishing homework or Ron trying to calm Harry down after a nightmare.

After 15 minutes, Harry and Ron were indulged in eating the snacks as they hadn't eaten much during the Yule Ball. Ron felt himself staring at Harry and observing his features. Harry was a much shorter than he was, it was probably because of the damn Dursely's not treating him properly. Harry had messy jet-black hair which made him thousands of girls and boys to chase after him and to top it of with his big doll-like emerald eyes behind his thick glasses which was another attractive feature of him which made people chase after him and not to mention his pink full-plump lips or even his small waist...

Wait why was Ron thinking about this!? Harry was just his best friend! not anything more than that! Ron thought suddenly feeling angry with himself.

"Are you okay, mate?" Harry worriedly Ron.

"M' fine..." replied Ron.

The two didn't speak for the next few minutes until Ron broke the silence.

"Harry. have you ever kissed someone..? asked Ron.

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