Chapter 9: Homework Made Easy

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Chuckling at Hinata's adorable display of loyalty, (y/n) reached out and ruffled his orange locks affectionately. "Thank you, Hinata. It's good to know I have a teammate like you on my side. You make every day brighter."

Hinata's eyes widened, his cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and delight. He couldn't quite comprehend why (y/n)'s simple gesture and kind words affected him so deeply. It was as if a wave of warmth and encouragement washed over him, fueling his determination to be the best teammate he could be.

As the conversation continued, (y/n) and Hinata exchanged stories and anecdotes, their laughter blending harmoniously with the sounds of the school surroundings. They shared their excitement for the upcoming volleyball practices and matches, discussing strategies and goals they hoped to achieve as a team.

In that fleeting moment, sitting on the bench beneath the cherry blossom tree, (y/n) felt an indescribable connection not just to the sport she loved, but also to her fellow teammates. The bonds of camaraderie were strengthening, weaving a tapestry of friendship and shared dreams.

Kageyama returned, his demeanor noticeably calmer now that the flush of embarrassment had faded from his cheeks. He took long, purposeful sips from his drink, trying to regain his composure. However, as he approached (y/n), his body language became fidgety once again, his gaze fixated anywhere but on her.

With both Hinata and Kageyama now back, (y/n) couldn't help but wonder why they had been so insistent on coming to talk to her. Curiosity sparked within her, prompting her to address the elephant in the room.

"So, is there anything I can help you guys with?" (y/n) inquired, her eyes flickering between the two.

Kageyama scrunched his eyebrows, his gaze fixed on a nearby tree as if searching for answers within its bark. The rosy hue returned to his cheeks, betraying his nervousness. Gulping down the last of his milk, he suddenly bowed deeply, his voice booming as he shouted his request.

"P-Please help us with our homework!" he exclaimed with fervor, his intensity as palpable as ever. 

'Does he always shout like that when making a request?' (Y/n) thought to herself, amused by Kageyama's unwavering determination.

Maintaining her sweet smile, (y/n) nodded in agreement, readily offering her assistance. Hinata, unable to contain his excitement, began bouncing on his feet, while Kageyama continued to bow and shout his thanks repeatedly.

'These two are quite the characters,' (y/n) mused, finding their dynamic both endearing and entertaining.

Giggling at their enthusiastic display, (y/n) calmed them down and retrieved her books, ready to guide them through their homework. As they worked through the problems together, (y/n) couldn't help but notice the charming quirks that surfaced in both boys.

Hinata, with his bright and determined eyes, mirrored the same look he wore when playing volleyball. His pink tongue peeked out adorably from the side of his mouth, and whenever he answered a question correctly, he couldn't resist making a little leap of celebration, his excitement contagious.

On the other hand, Kageyama maintained his intense focus, his gaze piercing through the paper as if trying to imprint the solutions into his mind. When he answered a question correctly, (y/n) praised him and gently patted his shoulder. This simple gesture always sent a jolt of nervous energy through him, causing him to become even more fidgety as he exclaimed his determination to continue doing his best.

After some time, the duo managed to tackle most of their questions and grasp the underlying concept of the lesson. Glancing at her watch, (y/n) realized it was getting close to practice time. With a wave, she excused herself to get changed, leaving Hinata and Kageyama to organize their belongings, their faces still flushed like roses.

"(Y/n)-san is truly amazing!" Hinata exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and admiration. "She's like pow, kablaaam! Suddenly, our homework makes sense! And she's so pretty too! And she can play volleyball!"

Hinata's excitement was palpable, the image of stars swirling around his head as he became caught up in his own enthusiasm. Kageyama, feeling a mix of annoyance and agreement, retorted, "Hinata, you idiot! Don't talk about her like that! She's just talented, that's all."

Grumbling under his breath, Kageyama refused to admit the truth that lay beneath his brash denial. The way (y/n) had encouraged him with his work had made his heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but feel nervous whenever she was around. The fact that she was not only a top-level volleyball player but also undeniably beautiful only made it even more challenging for him to handle his emotions.

'She's so amazing,' both boys silently concluded, their thoughts aligning in unspoken agreement. Little did they know that their admiration for (y/n) was mutual, and their shared experiences would forge an unbreakable bond that would shape their journey on and off the volleyball court.

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