Chapter 9

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Zion Sullivon

The night seemed to pass away very soon. I woke up to my phone blaring "Ode to Joy" by  Beethoven. I had set it as my alarm tone 'cause I found the default  alarm tones quite boring.

I really struggled a lot to get out of the bed. I felt like a sloth, wobbling my way to the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes, washed my face and brushed my teeth. After slipping on a T shirt, I went to get breakfast from the café I usually go to.

Mirium was a morning person and seemed all cheery and jolly in the morning. I never understand morning people. If it wasn't for my job, I would be sleeping till ten in the morning. Well, not everyone gets what they want.

I ordered for pizza and espresso. Weird combination but works for me. After giving my order, I took a seat at one of the tables. While waiting for my food to arrive, I started scrolling through Instagram. Well as much as I struggle to maintain a good social life, it doesn't hurt to see my friends having a good time with their families. I wished to start my own one day but, now it seems to be a really vague idea. I should catch up with my high school friends sometime later after we solve this case.

I was rudely interrupted from my 'me-time' by this certain someone who happens to be a pest or maybe better, a parasite.

"Mind if I sit here?", Rhodes asked taking a seat, at my table, facing me.

"I see you have already gotten comfortable then why ask?"

"Ouch! Are you always this cranky?", he asked with a fake hurt expression.

"It's 6 am. What do you expect?", I said with a scowl.

"You don't seem to be a morning person. Why did you wake up so early?"

"I have a job, you know. Speaking of jobs, don't have somewhere to be?"

"Huh no?"

"Like be in your company or whatever.", I said trying to drive him away.

"Oh work for me starts at 7am. I just like to go for a run during the mornings.", he said. Now that I see, he was actually in a tank top and sweatpants. Sweat dripped down his face, to his neck and down his umm.....

"You might wanna take a picture. It would last longer.", he remarked flashing me a cheeky smile. Just what would it take to get rid of this bitch.

"No Thank you.", I stated firmly.

"Sure. Anyways, do you come here often?", he asked.

"Well, earlier I used to, during the work hours. But starting this week, I have to depend on this place for all my meals.", I said. I really wish to learn how to cook. Imagine being able to cook whatever you like, whenever you like. All I can make is cake but eating cake everyday ain't nutritious.

"Here's your meal.", Mirium said gleefully while serving my meal.

"Oh, Mr. Rhodes? Early, aren't you? Would you like the regular?", she asked.

"You know him?"

"Everyone knows him.", she gave me an are-you-serious look. "Luckily, he swings by here often after his runs. So he is a regular customer just like you", she said.

"Ohh", I said.

"Well, I would like to have what Mr. Sullivon here is having today.", he said looking at me.

"Are you sure?", she said giving him a doubtful look. My choice of food ain't that bad. These people just won't understand.

"Yeah I would.", he stated.

"Why did you order the same thing as me?", I asked.

"Since you won't text me or call me, I thought maybe trying what you like would help me get to know you more.", he said.

"I am not interested.", I said. I wasn't really interested in dating, especially after my break-up.

"Okay let's have a deal. I toss a coin. If it lands on tail, you have to go on three dates with me, and if it lands on head, I'll leave you alone forever.", he stated.

I looked at him skeptically. As stupid as it sounded, I was tempted. I mean, just a toss and I get rid of this parasite. Easy win!

"Fine. But you must stick to it. No changes in the deal if you lose.", I warned him. He grinned and nodded.

He took out a coin from his wallet and placed it between his thumb and index fingers. Then, he tossed it. As soon as it landed on the table, the thing I feared the most happened to me. It landed on tail.

"Seems like we have a winner. So where and when can I pick you up for our date?", he asked.

No no no! Noooo! Why? I was supposed to win goddammit! Well, I can't possibly back off this deal as well! It will not only hurt my ego but will also make me seem like a coward. You know what? Three dates can't be that bad? Let's get this over with. Hopefully, he will lose interest in me.

"Well I'll need sometime to check with my schedule and see when I am free. I will text you.", I said.

"How do I know that you won't ghost me?", he said.

"You'll be meeting me here anyways, won't you?", I asked him, knowing the answer very well. He smiled at me, taking the last bite of his food and leaving the cafe after waving me a good bye.

"You are one lucky man.", I was startled by Mirium's sudden remark. "How do you consider this being lucky? I just lost to him!", I said. "I feel bad for Silas, having to deal with you. No wonder his hairs are turning grey this early.", she said.

"I do not act like a 10 year old.", I stated firmly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night.", she said as she left to get the order of another customer who had just arrived.  I paid for my meal and left the Cafe.

Do I act like a 10 year old? Hope not. A 10 year old won't be able to solve these hazardous crimes, like I do. I definitely do not act like one.

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