Chapter 2

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As Lady Black was planning her return to wizarding Britain Harry was having one of the worst times of his life.
Ron refused to speak to him and would only glare in his direction. The Gryffindors were split some thought he was a cheat and some thought he was really really unlucky but wouldn't risk the wrath of the student body to speak up for him.
With the Slytherin's blatant bullying and those damn badges Harry was being hexed left and right. Hermione was the only one on his side, she truly was a godsend. The twins tried to make light of the situation and ended up in detention more than once because of all the hexes they sent those that tried to get Harry.
By Friday night Harry was eating mostly in the kitchens with the house elfs as the glares from others and those damn flashing badges were getting on his nerves.
After as sullen lonely meal Harry was on the way back to the common room when Professor Mcgonagall stopped him and told him to come to her office. As he sat in the seat she looked over at him and sighed. She had tried to minimise the damage the student body had tried to inflict upon him and she had had limited success.
"I understand that life is very hard for you right now and things are not going well." Harry looked sharply up at her. She had his full attention for the first time in a week even in class his mind had been elsewhere. "I am afraid I am going to have to insist that you are eating at least breakfast in the great hall from now on."
Harry's face took on a gloomy and sad expression.
"Ok Professor." He said sullenly. "Is that all?"
"I am not trying to punish you Mr Potter merely doing as I have been ordered." She answered. "And yes you may go."
"Wait did Dumbledore order this?" He asked outraged.
"I can only say that I was asked to tell you this." She replied looking up from the parchment she had been about to grade.  "I am sure a smart young man such as yourself can draw his own conclusions."
Harry sensed the conversation was at a close said good night and left. He wandered back to the hall in a fit of anger. How dare that meddling old goat make him do anything after not sticking up for him. As Harry arrived back at the common room he ignored the glares sent his way and went straight to bed. Praying that something, someone, somehow things were going to be different tomorrow.


Whilst Harry was living through the worst week of his life Lady Black was very busy.
As soon as Minerva and Severus left she ordered her elfs to start packing. She briefly thought of staying at Grimmauld Place but decided that the Black Manor would be a better choice as Sirius hated his childhood home. But she would have it cleaned up, it would be a good place to meet people rather than the house she actually intended to live in.
Once she made the choice to return to England she sent a letter to MUCASA stating her intent to return. And within an hour recived an international portkey to Gringotts London. That was just perfect for her plans. The wills were at the bank and she would see to it that they were read one way or another.
Sending Fia to make an appointment with the Chief Goblin Ragnok the response was enthusiastic to say the least.
Before the time the portkey would go off she brought both her familiars to her and told Fia to see to the closing of the house and the readiness of the Manor in England.
Arriving at the bank she was immediately shown to Ragnok's office. The opulent glided room spoke to the wealth of the bank. As she came into the room she spoke greeting the goblin sat at the desk.
"Ragnok it has been many years my old friend." She spoke in perfect gobblediegook. "It's s pleasure to see you so well. I hope your gold has multiplied and your enemies quake at your name."
"Lady Black welcome home." He replied giving her a grin only a goblin could. "I am indeed heartened to see you again. Have you come to oversee the Black accounts?"
"Not only them." She replied. "I was told that my Sister her husband and my nephew had all been killed at Voldemort's hand and if I had not been visited by some old friends I would still be ignorant of that fact. Lily and I often talked of our wills and I know that she and James wished for Harry to come to us first. Infact I have a copy of their wills in my personal vault. I am hoping my friend that you will hold the reading for me."
Ragnok was silent for quite some time.
"You believed Mr Potter was dead?" He asked. "The morning of November 1st 1981 you came to me to find the will and start legal proceedings for your custody of your nephew and the trial for your husband whom you assured me was innocent and told me the wills would prove it. It was shortly after you arrived that word came from the ministry that the Potter wills had been sealed and Sirius arrested. As this was done by Albus Dumbledore's order you went to confront him. I heard nothing for two days then the rumours of you leaving the country started. With no further contact from you and no way to contact you we left things alone."
Silence reigned for several minutes and Ragnok realised he could feel the witches magic rising in her anger. He cleared his throat ready to speak but was cut off.
"I will cut that addle minded goat breathing whiskered old gits bollocks off." She almost shouted scaring the goblin and had his guard tensing and reaching for weapons. "Rest assured I do not blame you old friend but I was going to just force the bumbling old fool to retire but now I will destroy his life, his entire way of living and I will make him regret ever meddling I my or my sisters life ever again. But first things first, I fear I must request an inheritance test and a purge for myself but also my husband and nephew as soon as possible. There will be a few others that I will send your way if that acceptable."
"There will be fees of course but it is acceptable." Ragnok said glad her anger wouldn't be directed this way. "If I may have a list of names the tellers will make sure it is done."
"My thanks to you Ragnok." She said softly now she had had a chance to calm down a little. "I will compile a list shortly. I will require a conference room to work out of for the next week. I don't want Dumbledore to find put I have returned until the question of Harry's guardianship is solved."
"All things can be done for the right price." Ragnok answered reaching for the button to summon his assistant.
"Add a little more and they can be done quickly too." Iris added smiling. After a brief conversation with his assistant as to Lady Black's requirements the inheritance test was brought and a healer arranged. While the goblins were setting things up Lady Black made a list of those to be cleansed and a list of those she wished to make appointments with. The Minister and Head of the DMLE where at the top. She would see Sirius free by the end of the week.
The inheritance test showed nothing she didn't already know as far as houses and monies were involved but the part about blocks and potions had her ready to charge into hogwarts and rip the old goats beard of hair by hair. Forgetfulness potions and compulsions, mind manipulations and obliviates she was shaking with rage so much her familiars had to shoot flames across her vision to snap her out of it.
Once in the healing room she underwent a complete purge and her memory was totally restored. Seven times in the last decade had she been visited by either Severus or Minerva and told some terrible tale of Harry's life. The torment he suffered as Marge Dursley's hands. The summer when he was nine and was so malnourished he collapsed crossong the road. A beating so bad they left him out all night and he almost died before Arabella was able to get him out of there. An car accident as he ran from Privet Drive few years later. Harry being locked away for the summer after his first year. The terrible episode with the heir of Slytherin and Sirius's escape. Each time she went straight to the old goat and each time she was sent back her memory altered and that whiskered wanker was the cause of Harry's continuing abuse. When she got her hands on that man well the dementors kiss was too good for him.
In the hours she had undergone the healing and purge many owls winged their way to the important people Lady Black needed to see. The will reading was to be held that evening as a few teachers had to be in attendance. Thankfully gringotts had covered for them and the headmaster was none the wiser as to what was going on.
Minister Fudge arrived at the bank flustered with who had the audacity to call him there for an appointment. His new undersecretary the foul little toad Madam Umbridge was ready to tear the person who summoned the minister to pieces.
"What is the meaning of calling the Minister hear like he is some kind of lap dog?" Delores shrieked as she entered the room ahead of the Minister. "Well wh-"
She was promptly shushed by the Minister as he had seen who was sat in the room. Paleing he quickly said. "I do apologise for the rash actions of my undersecretary she's new and a little over zealous."
The undersecretary was flabbergasted and incandescent with rage at the dismissal from the Minister.
"Minister w-" She began only to be cut off.
"You are not needed for this meeting Delores please return to the office." Fudge said quickly gesturing for her to leave. He really didn't want to have his new undersecretary burned to ashes for her disrespect for Lady Black. "I gave you an order leave now."
As she still hadn't budged.
"Minister I must insist as your undersecretary to be present at this meeting." She almost shouted at the man.
"Minister Fudge you seem to have no control over your staff." As Lady Black spoke one of her dragon familiars crawled into her lap for a scratch just like a cat or dog would. "One would think she is in charge not you."
Delores turned what Iris thought was a lovely shade of red.
"How dare you talk to a ministry employee that way and with such a filthy dark creature in you lap too. You are obviously no one of importance." She sneered angrily. "Minister we should leave at once."
Cornelius Fudge was at heart a coward but at least he had some self respect and realised what many people had told him of his undersecretary at that moment. Her bullying ways, anti dark creatures stamce and her muggle hating rhetoric had no place in the ministry not any more. As he was a political animal, he could see the winds of change blowing with her presence. Lady Black had returned and he was in deep shit. But the Slytherin in him said if he was smart he could hold the job a little longer at least. Turning to his newly appointed and shortest lasting undersecretary he said. "Delores Umbridge you are fired pack your desk and leave you badge at the desk."
Umbridge stood there stuttering in suprise. How could Cornelius treat her that way. All for that jumped up tart. Pulling her wand she attempted to attack Lady Black who didn't move as the goblin guard behind her pressed the blade of his axe to her neck.
"Madam Umbridge it is a crime to use your wand to attack in this bank without the permission of the goblin nation. Under article 654 section 432,571 subsection c clause 28a/57 of the goblin treaty you are to be held for trail under the goblin nation. Surrender now or be beheaded." The guard said harshly pushing the blade into her neck to make his point.
Shocked the toad like woman was lead from the room. Cornelius for his part just shook his head in disbelief at her stupidity.
"Excuse me for just a moment Lady Black I must speak to my guard before they try to break the goblin treaty." He said bowing respectfully.
"Oh course." She replied. "I await your swift return."
The man hurried from the room to talk to the Auror's outside. Thankfully they hated Umbridge and had not lofted a finger to help her.
Returning to the room he bowed once again and said. "Lady Black it is a pleasure to see you again." He took the seat she indicated to and pulled out a file handing it to the man. "How can the ministry help you? Will you be taking up your husbands seat? The house of Black had been absent for too long."
He finally looked down at the file in his hands. It was her husbands arrest report. His eyes widened and he thought shit I gave a kiss on sight order for the man, I am in so much trouble.
"There are quite a few things I could use your special help with Minister." Iris replied smiling it reminded the Minister somewhat of a shark just before the kill. "And yes I will be claiming my husbands wizengamot seat. Now first things first. The previous administration sent my husband to Azkaban without trial I would like your help to rectify that. Also the sealing of my sister and her husbands wills. Then we can move on to the atrocious placing of my nephew with muggles and lastly this tournament that my dearest nephew is being forced to participate in. If you could help me clear up these few issues I would be most grateful."
Cornelius sighed this was going to be a long week.
And it was it saw many high ranking ministry employees visit the bank and leave looking shaken and had one man sending an urgent message to his son at the school.
Saturday morning came and Lady Black was dressed to impress. Her long purple hair was cascading in waves down her back and her violet eyes sparkled with determination. She wore a deep red gown with a matching robe of the finest acromantula silk with both the Black and Potter crests on them. Today she wad going to knock the old goats socks off.

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