Chapter I

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Maeve's POV

~At the dance studio~

"Maeve watch out!" says Kaitlyn as she begins to prep for a turn, I move out of her way.

Kaitlyn still has a bit to work on, she is only 11 after all. She's my dance best friend, she always wants whats best for me.

Our dance teacher calls out to us, "Ladies, Nationals is this weekend you all know when you're supposed to be there, practice your dances when you can. Take a bow, I will see you all in Florida!"

After taking a bow Kaitlyn gives me a glaring 'I know something' face.

"What?!?" I said in response

"You know what~" She said giving me that face again.

In fact I did know, I was terrified to travel to Florida. I was traveling with Kaitlyn, her mother, and unfortunately her older brother, Malaki, as well.

"Shut up" I said pushing her playfully, and going to pick up my things to leave.

We walk out together, and before class she asked me to walk her to her car. Which was a weird request but I agreed.

Walking up to the Navy Tacoma I realized, Its Malaki's truck.

I open the passenger door for Kaitlyn.

"Hey Maeve, are you excited for Nationals?" he asked me with a shy smile.

"Yeah, I actually am! Biggest comp of the year" I replied not really knowing what to say.

I close the door for Kaitlyn.

"Well the drive there is always my favorite." He looks down, almost as if he's embarrassed.

"Bye Malaki"

I turn around to walk to my own car trying not to show him that I was blushing.

Kaitlyn definitely knew that I was.


Laying in my bed and staring at the ceiling and every last thought on my mind was Malaki.

A dumb football player from Moon Lake High School.

But his eyes were the most comfortable color of blue, his jawline was soft. He was definitely different than the other football players at MLHS.

I can just lay here, imagining endless scenarios of us in my head.

I just wish he would ask me on a date already.

We could just say in town. He picks me up at my house, he walks to the door and knocks like the sweet gentleman he is.

I answer the door, and I smile while looking up into his bright blue eyes.

I exit my house and he pulls me into a hug. It feels like it could have been the last, he held onto me so tight.

He looks down into my eyes, "Lets go Mae", he grabs my hand and takes me to the passenger side of his truck. Opens the door for me to get in.

He gets into the drivers side, smiles from ear to ear, and we take off. While driving he reaches over to hold my hand, he decides to try and make small talk.

Only try because he's so shy and he's blushing more than anyone else i've ever seen.

We get to the restaurant, and he puts the truck in park. He grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him. He moves his hands down to around my elbows, and shakes me a little bit out of excitement.

"You are just so beautiful and cute. You are so absolutely perfect Maeve." He says smiling ear to ear, and holding me like he never wants to let me go.

"Thank you Malaki" I reply, blushing and smiling as well.

We both pause for a moment looking into each others eyes, only pure romance is felt between us. It feels like how it seems in the movies.

He brings his left hand up to my face to caress my cheek, he tilts his head down to the side slightly. He is only amazed by my beauty, and I can feel myself falling more in love by the second.

"Lets go in already" He says while tightening his grip on my cheek and pulling me into a kiss.

We make small talk throughout the whole dinner, but the tension is growing stronger and stronger.

Towards the end of the meal after all of the laughs and flirtatious comments, I make a gesture towards the bathroom.

"Sorry Malaki, I gotta use the bathroom real quick."

It took me a second to find it, it's a single bathroom. Looking in the mirror I take in a deep breath.

~Knock Knock Knock~

"Sorry someones in here!" I yell hoping the person on the other side hears.

The person opens the door.

"Excuse you its occupi--"

It's Malaki.

He rushes in and locks the door behind him. He closes in his vision strictly on me. I can see his eyes trailing my body up and down as he backs me into the wall.

"God, I have been needing to do this for so long" Malaki says as he puts his hands on my waist.

He pulls my hips into his, and he kisses me deeply. Better than anyone else I have ever experienced and--

~I drift into sleep~

~819 Words

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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