We start walking again,

"I really can take care of myself, you know."

He gave me a side eye. Scoffing at him I can't help but ask,

"Do you not believe me?"

"You're a very sweet girl Cat, but no I don't."

Alright that was frustrating,

"Sweet girls can be tough too."

He shakes his head,

"That's an oxymoron."

Annoyance is tinged in my voice,

"Well you're an oxymoron!"

"That doesn't even make sense!"

We both stop walking then look at each other. I utter,

"This is ridiculous."

A silence falls over us two.

He then cracks a smile, quoting me from moments before

"You're an oxymoron?"

I snicker,

"Don't make me laugh, I'm supposed to be mad at you."

I look away but he gently places his hand on my cheek, redirecting my face to him. He continues,

"I'm sorry for upsetting you."

Butterflies do somersaults in my stomach. I stutter slightly,

"It's, it's alright."

He begins to lead me back to the Garrison. We don't say much but my mind can't help but race. He had his hand on my face?! I met him this morning and he's already this close to me..Like I don't dislike it but, it's moving fast. Almost comically fast. Eventually the Garrison comes into view, there are some folks standing in front. Some drunk men staggering out, but we keep walking towards it. I try to ignore men staring at me as we walk up to the door. I can't help but notice Matt's protective hand circle around my waist. We stroll into the pub. Two musicians are in the corner, there are people dancing, some folks playing cards, and almost everyone has a drink in hand.

I lean over to Matt's ear, trying to speak over the noise,

"There's a lot of people in here! Is it always this busy?"

"I hear that they are. I only come here every so often."

He guides me towards the bar. Flagging down the bartender, he slides some coins towards the man,

"I'll have a Gin Rickey please."

"Coming right up."

We sit down on some stools,

"Cat, do you want anything?"

My eyes wander over to the dancers, all having a fun time,

"No thanks."

Matt's drink is given to him. "Do you not drink?"

Shaking my head I look back to him,

"Only on special occasions."

In truth I've only drank alcohol once and it was by accident. I was at a picnic at a park, and I had a glass of lemonade. It ended up being hard lemonade with some additional spirits, no one had thought to let me know. I could barely walk in a straight line! At first when I got home, Mom was furious at me. But once I explained the situation she couldn't stop laughing. Those were the days..

Matt was looking at me, expecting an answer,


My attention is once again caught by him,

"Sorry I was daydreaming there for a moment," an awkward laugh escapes me, "What did you say?"

Smiling, he stands in front of me. Offering his free hand as he takes a sip of his drink,

"May I have this dance?"

The music seemed to grow louder, inviting dancers to the floor. The rhythm was magical,

"I would love to."

Grabbing his hand he twirls me into the floor. Joining the chorus of other rippling pairs.

It's almost like a spell has been cast on us. My focus is only on Matt, and his on me.

It was probably hours of us dancing, whirling about, just enjoying the moment. Actually living, which is something I haven't done in a long time. As this song comes to a close, Matt's strong arms pull me in. He whispers in my ear, only loud enough for just I to hear,

"Catherine Brookes," I feel the heat of his smile in my hair, "you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen."

I turn my face to his, he starts to lean in. As if he were to kiss me. I swerve, this is too much.

I start to step away from his grasp,

"I-I'm sorry. I need to go." Another song began to play, couples were once again spinning about. Making it difficult for me to find an exit. As I run away, I faintly hear over the music my name. He's calling out for me. I stop, look back to Matt. He looks confused and almost hurt. I shouldn't leave him, but I'm already gone. Tears threaten to fall and the last thing anyone needs is to see me cry. I rush through the corridor trying to make it up the stairs. As I reach for the staircase, I bump into someone. Tears are falling down my face at this point, I blurt out an apology but keep going on my way. Eventually I made it to my room, my temporary haven. Why did I always mess these things up?

A Girl Called Cat- A Peaky Blinders Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now