"Have you never considered getting a tutor?" Gemma suggested, and Juniper scoffed.

"Like who?" She questioned, and Amy and Gemma exchanged a glance, before the pair of them smirked simultaneously.

"Malfoy," Amy shrugged, and Juniper's jaw dropped.

"Tell me you are joking!" She gasped dramatically.

"Well, why not? He would get your grades up, and you need it," Juniper swatted Gemma across the arm, and the latter cried out in pain, although even an idiot could tell it was fake.

It was the fourth day of classes, and though Juniper's sleeping schedule had improved slightly, little else had. The teachers were being, albeit understandably, over the top, and it was stressing Juniper out. Umbridge was a tad bit difficult, as they had all predicted, and frankly, all Juniper wanted to do was nap.

They had just finished a lovely session of double potions with Snape, in which it had become quite apparent Juniper didn't have a hope of getting an O.W.L in the subject, not without a miracle. Hence, the talk of a tutor.

"The absolute last person I would accept any help from would be Malfoy," Juniper turned her nose up at the concept, and her stomach dropped when she heard the familiar voice behind her.

"Why's that, Nott?" When Juniper turned to face him, the look on his face made her temper flare. He was smirking, but his eyes were flooded with anger and disgust, as they always were when he looked in her direction.

"Because, you're insufferable," She shrugged, ignoring the noise of Amy and Gemma chuckling beside her. "You're only so good at potions because Professor Snape practically lives in your back passage,"

"That sounds like the words of a jealous woman," Malfoy continued to smirk at her, as though he believed he would make her feel uncomfortable. Sure enough, it did. Just not in the way that he had expected.

"Listen, Malfoy, you and I both know we could never get along for longer than two minutes, and I believe there are better tutors for me than you," Offence flickered through his eyes at her words, but it was quickly replaced once more by arrogance. "Now if you don't mind, I'm tired, both generally, and of this conversation. If you'd like to get back to flirting with your little girlfriends with my brother, I'll bid you good day,"

She smiled the most false smile she could muster, before turning on her heels and walking away, Amy and Gemma following after her.

"He's still staring at you, you know," Gemma snorted, glancing over her shoulder to where the blonde boy continued to gape after his friends sister.

"I don't know where you've mustered this idea from, that Malfoy fancies me or whatever, but you're quite far off the mark," Juniper shook her head, knowing in her own mind the treatment that she had been subjected to by the boy over the summer. "And besides, imagine what Theo would do if he actually did fancy me. Malfoy wouldn't survive the week,"

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