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Once upon a time, in Thailand, there were two young and talented actors named Zee and Nunew. They both had a passion for acting, and their careers were on the rise. However, they were under different management companies, and the policies were stringent about having a personal relationship with other actors.

Zee was a popular actor, loved by many for his charm and wit. He had a soft spot for Nunew, who was equally talented and charming, but they never acted on their feelings for each other. They knew they couldn't be together because of their jobs and the restrictions.

One day, while on set, Zee and Nunew were playing opposite each other in love scenes for their upcoming series. As they acted out the romantic scenes, they couldn't help but feel a real connection, which they usually tried to suppress.

After the shoot, Zee approached Nunew, who was lost in deep thoughts. "Hey, Nunew, are you okay? You seemed lost in thought."

Nunew looked up to see Zee's caring smile and lost all his barriers. "I'm fine. I just can't stop thinking about us, Zee. This is crazy. We have feelings for each other, but we can't act on them. What do we do?"

Zee took Nunew's hand and looked into his eyes. "I know. I feel it too, Nunew. But we can't let this affect our careers."

Nunew nodded, and they both left the set, feeling conflicted. They continued to suppress their feelings, but they couldn't stay away from each other. They would sneak around to meet up, pretending to be working on a project, so their fans wouldn't suspect anything.

One day, Zee couldn't take it anymore. He needed to be with Nunew without any baggage. They met up at a nearby park and sat down on the bench. "I can't do this anymore, Nunew. I need you in my life."

Nunew looked up with surprise and confusion. "But how? We can't be together."

Zee took Nunew's hand and looked deep into his eyes. "I don't care about the restrictions or what people say. I love you, Nunew. And I want to be with you."

Nunew's heart skipped a beat as he looked into Zee's eyes. "I love you too, Zee. But what about our management?"

Zee smiled sweetly at Nunew, feeling lighter having expressed his feelings. "I don't know. But, we will figure it out together."

Over the next few weeks, they faced many difficulties in keeping their love hidden, and their fans were all over the place, speculating and fighting.

But one day, they had it enough and went together to face their management with their relationship. After sitting in dread for hours, they were finally called in to talk.

Their manager looked up at them and said, "I heard about your secret relationship, and unfortunately, our management doesn't allow actors to date other actors from different companies."

Zee and Nunew looked at each other, feeling disheartened. "But, Sir, we love each other," they said in unison.

Their manager was unmoved and said sternly, "I'm sorry. But, I can't let you risk your careers for this relationship."

Zee and Nunew looked at each other, realizing how much they had to lose. But, they stood up and spoke with their heart.

"We can't risk not telling the truth about our relationship. We love each other, and we want to be together."

The manager was surprised by the strength of their words and looked at them with softening eyes. "Okay. I will talk to the other management, and we will make an announcement, but I want you both to understand that the pressure will be on."

Zee and Nunew's eyes filled with relief and gratitude. They hugged each other, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

They finally revealed their relationship to their fans, who were overjoyed and supported them. They continued to act together, with more love and passion for each other.

Finally, they could be together freely and show their love unconditionally. They were the happiest and most in love they had ever been.

"Being with you is worth everything, Zee," Nunew said, looking at Zee with eyes full of love.

Zee smiled and took Nunew's hand. "I feel the same way, my love. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."


ZEENUNEW | ONE SHOTحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن