With a huff, Kaoru grabbed the handle with both hands and pulled even harder than before. Falling back in surprise, she landed on the ground with a thud, an aching in her butt.

"Ehhhhhhhh!?" she shrieked looking down at the door handle still in her grasp. She had ripped it from the door, the nails still in place uselessly.

It took Miyuki a second before he collapsed on the ground in laughter, "who knew you had such monster strength?" he said between gasps for air.

Kaoru was still looking dumbfounded at the handle in her hands before she joined him in his laughter. Her cheeks hurt from laughing, and the scene of the two of them on the ground must have been ridiculous to anyone else.

But to her it was healing, she hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. Eventually Miyuki stood, wiping the dirt from his sweats as he continued to chuckle.

Reaching a hand outwards, he offered to help her up when a voice startled them from behind, "what are you two doing?"

Jumping to her feet, Kaoru bowed her head in embarrassment, the door handle still clutched in her right hand.

"Coach Yukiko, Coach Kataoka, I'm super sorry but I accidentally broke the door handle!" she said, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

Coach Yukiko looked incredulously at her player before letting out a chuckle, "I guess you didn't read the sign that says push, huh?"

Kaoru's jaw dropped as she whipped her head around to look at the door. Sure enough, there was a sign on the glass that said 'push'.

Looking over at a guilty, but grinning Miyuki, Kaoru realized she had been played a fool. "Miyuki Kazuya, you terrible man! How could you encourage me to pull harder when you knew it was a push!"

"Guilty" he said with a shrug. Before chaos could descend any further, Coach Kataoka interrupted the pair, "Bokuto, please follow us, we need to speak with you. Miyuki, Yuuki asked that you be here in his stead as he is at the trainers."

Both athletes nodded at their coaches before looking at each other in surprise. Following the coaches into the building, they were led into Coach Kateoka's office.

Kaoru kept trying to give Yukiko a questioning look, but her coach refused to give anything away by making eye contact.

Her stomach was swirling with anxiety. Why would Coach Kataoka want to speak with her? Why was the newly appointed captain supposed to be here? And why was Miyuki slyly grinning in the corner?

The last thought made her frown, she may not know him well, but they have always gotten along. He was a difficult personality to befriend, the softball and baseball team have always gotten along regardless.

"Kaoru-san, I understand that because of your injury, you will no longer be able to participate with the softball team," said Coach Kateoka.

Nodding, Kaoru gave him her full attention. 'Where could this be going?' she wondered. Glancing at her coach, she saw Yukiko doing her best to hide a smile.

"I have been in discussion with Coach Yukiko, and would like to offer you the opportunity to be an academic and strategic tutor to the baseball team," he said.

Kaoru had to resist the urge to gape at him. "With the baseball team, sir?" she questioned, why would the baseball team request her help instead of her own coach.

She felt a twinge of betrayal from her own coach. "Yes, we have remaining funds to match your current scholarship with the softball team. Coach Yukiko was adamant that you would be able to continue your learning here at Seido."

Kaoru felt her heart swell, she looked at her coach who was now full on smiling at her, "what would I be tutoring, sir?" she questioned Kataoka.

"I have heard that you have been tutoring those in your class, and even preparing notes for the incoming first years, is that correct?" he asked with what she could only describe as an upturn of his lips.

"Yes, that is true," she replied. "And you have a history in assisting with offensive development, correct?" he questioned again.

Kaoru felt her chest swell with pride, yes she did, and she was darn proud of her accomplishments. "Yes, sir!" she said, a smile prominent on her face.

Kataoka looked to her left, "Miyuki, do you, or the team have any reason to disagree with the offer being presented to Kaoru-san?"

Turning to face her classmate, she held her breath. Miyuki looked directly at the coach, a serious look on his face, "not at all, Coach."

"Then I would ask that you, Kaoru-san, assist in the offensive development with our incoming first years, as well as the academic achievement of the rising second years and first years," he said while standing from his chair.

Kaoru was beaming, "Yes, sir! I happily accept the offer!" she said, reaching forward to shake his hand while bowing.

Turning to look at her own coach, she ran to hug her. "Thank you, thank you for allowing me to stay here!"

Coach Yukiko laughed, returning the hug. "The best part is, you get to keep your roommates and stay in the softball dormitories!"

Kaoru barely contained the joy she felt. For the first time since her injury, she felt as though she was moving forward. Things would be different for sure, but maybe she could create new pieces to fix the gap in her heart. 

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