Sometime later, Beatrice woke up, not realizing she had fallen asleep. An erratic beeping woke her, causing her blood to run cold. She immediately scrambled up, looking up at the large trees and into the forest, bouncing on her legs. The Na'vi never even told her his name, how was she supposed to trust him? He said he would be back before eclipse, where the hell was he? Beatrice paced, picking at her nails anxiously. She glanced over in the direction of the base, seeing the flashing lights of an emergency slipping through the trees.

"Shit! Where are you?!" Beatrice yelled out, spinning around as she searched the trees again. She could hear voices far away, shouting orders and yelling her name. She let out a sound of frustration, debating on if she should call out to them and go back, hoping the next day the Na'vi would be back, or if she should run. She grabbed onto the mask, fiddling with the pressurizing button while trying to make her decision. She heard a loud call, making her head dart up in the direction of the trees above her. She jumped back as she saw something falling towards her, gasping as she recognized it and caught it before it could hit the ground.

A mask.

Beatrice didnt hesitate pulling the bases' mask off her face, barely remembering to take a deep breath before doing so. She quickly slid the new one over her head, looking up as she saw flashlights starting to peek through the trees. The Na'vi jumped in front of her, picking up the portable battery and shoving it onto her waistband as she fixed the strap at the back of her head and depressurized the mask, taking a deep breath. The Na'vi quickly grabbed Beatrices hand, yanking her along as he took off in the opposite direction, the only piece of Beatrice being left behind was the old mask, it still beeping erratically.

They ran for a while, the male whisper shouting at her to go, go, go! every once in a while when she tried to slow down to catch her breath. Finally, the Na'vi yanked her behind a tree, pressing her into it and towering over her, breathing deeply.

"Catch your breath." He whispered down to her, his ears twitching as he listened to everything around him. His tail wrapped around the girls calf as he looked around, quietly shushing her as she gasped loudly while trying to breathe. She glared at him as she tried to quiet herself down as she caught her breath, looking down at her calf that his tail wrapped around.

"We lost them. Breathe." He looked down at Beatrice, finally noticing his tail and unwrapping it nonchalantly. Beatrice leaned her head against the tree, closing her eyes tightly as she tried to slow her heartbeat and quiet the pounding in her head as she breathed.

"You never even told me your name! And then you made me run like that, even after passing out earlier! What is wrong with you! What happened to 'before eclipse' ?!" Beatrice whisper- shouted at him, not feeling this fiery in a while. She looked at the Na'vi who held a mischievous smile, glaring as he gave her a cheeky smile in return.

"I had to see if you trust me. If you listen." Beatrice scoffed at his reasoning, huffing as she finally caught her breath, the pounding in her head not disappearing. "You trust easy. That is both good and bad." Beatrice rolled her eyes, stars starting to invade her vision.

"Dont get trust and hope mixed up." She snapped, feeling her hands start shaking again. She looked down at them, cursing before leaning her head back against the tree.

"My name is Neteyam. And i hope you trust me."

"I dont think ill have a choice, Neteyam." Beatrice whispered out, her back sliding down the tree as she started to lose consciousness. She felt his large hands grab her, hearing another one? before he picked her up as she passed out. He huffed, realizing he did push her too hard after she passed out the first time. Neteyam turned from the tree, listening closely to the forest to make sure they were still safe before starting to move to an open clearing. He clicked loudly, calling for his ikran, hiding Beatrices face in his chest from the large wings flapping down. He gently made tsuhaylu, climbing on and adjusting Beatrice in his lap before taking off.

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