Chapter Two: Visiting

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The group got out of Wes's car and walked into a store to grab stuff for Tara. They grabbed chocolates, chips, and some drinks for her. Jade stood in the middle of the snack aisle looking at all of the chips that laid on the shelf, she quickly grabbed her phone and clicked on Tara's name. The phone rung for a few seconds before she answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Tara, what kind of snacks do you want?" Jade asked, her hand sliding on the many bags.

"You guys don't have to get me anything, there's vending machines here. I wouldn't want you wasting your money." Tara mumbled.

Jade smiled, "Tara Carpenter you are my best friend, it is no waste of money to get you snacks." she paused before laughing, "Besides you never turn down free food."

Jade could hear Tara let out a quiet chuckled, "That is true." she said, the sound of a doctor coming in pulled her away. "Shoot Jade I have to go, just get me some Pringles. I love you and I'll see you soon."

"Okay, love ya." Jade said, hanging up the phone call and grabbing two different containers of Pringles. "These should do the trick." she quickly glanced down the aisle to see Chad standing by the drinks. Jade quietly snuck up behind him, "What are you doing?!" She exclaimed, grabbing his arm with her free hand.

Chad jumped slightly, "Jesus Jade, why did you do that?"

"Do what? I have no idea what you're talking about." She smiled, turning away from the boy.

"Yes, haha very funny you got me." he stated, following her to the register.

Once they all payed for their stuff the group headed to the hospital. Wes was the first one that got to the nurse's station. "Um.. hi we're looking for Tara Carpenter's room?"

"Relation to the patient?" the nurse asked.

"Ummm. frie-"

"We're her family." Jade cut Wes off, stepping forward to the nurse with a smile.

The nurse looked at the group and then back down at the computer with a sigh, "Room 103."

"Thank youuuu!" Jade exclaimed, walking down the hall and away from the group.

Chad smiled at the girl before he quickly followed her, Amber walking past Wes while Mindy just patted him on the back. "Good try man." Mindy smiled, before walking towards the room.

Wes frowned, staring down at the ground before slowly following.

Jade opened the door and smiled when she saw Tara, "Tara." Jade muttered, running over and hugging the girl. "How you feeling?"

"I feel like I got stabbed... oh wait." Tara joked, pointing at her bandages.

"Tara that's not funny." Amber spoke up, walking up to the side of the bed and putting a hand on her shoulder.

They all sat down and talked for awhile until the door opened and Samantha walked in,  followed by a stranger. The group stood up awkwardly as Sam hurried over to the bed and crouched down to her sister. "How are you felling?" Sam asked.

"You came." Tara muttered, a slight smile on her face.

"Of course I came." Sam smiled, before turning her head to the stranger. "This is my boyfriend Richie."

Richie slowly walked forward, "It's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry if I'm intruding."

Tara smiled, "Nice to meet you too."

Sam walked over to the teens and hugged them one by one until she got to Wes. "Thank you for calling."

"Of course." Wes muttered.

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