Chapter 8

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Zion Sullivon

I conveyed all the necessary informations to Ezra and headed towards my dorm. I was soon met by Silas.

"Hey", I said as we both entered my dorm.

"So how are you holding up with the... you know break up thingy?", he asked genuinely concerned. Man, I didn't really have much time to think of the break up as such. Maybe this is why it occurred in the first place 'cause I was more of an workaholic to actuallycare about my lover. The more I understand Gia, the more it hurts me.

"Well I really didn't think of it much these days. Drowning myself in these thoughts would hinder my performance at work.", I said.

"Well piling up your feelings won't help either. That day, I am sorry for leaving you alone at the club.", he said apologizing to me.

It was the second time that we actually talked about the club incident and I got reminded of another dreadful incident.

"Hey hey are you sick? Your face is turning real red man!", he said.

"Uh nope I am fine.", I said. I am definitely not fine.

" are not. What exactly happened at the club?", he asked me.

"Nothing I just drank....and....drank...and went to this random room and slept.",I tried to sound as convincing as possible. My efforts, however, went down the drain. It made him more suspicious of me. Why does this sound like a teenage girl convincing her father that she didn't sneak out to a party.

"Uhh you know I didn't get this job for like no reason. I can tell that you are lying. We have solved 42 cases together!", Silas said.

You know what? Fuck this. I really need to get this weight off my shoulders, even if it means traumatizing my best friend.

I closed the door behind us.

"You might wanna take a seat cause this news is going to shake you up.", I warned him.

He immediately sat on my bed. "I am comfy, you are comfy, now spill.", he demanded.

"Well that day at the club when Phil was busy flirting and you went to flirt with your wife, over the phone, in the washroom-"

"Excuse me?! How the fuck do you know?!", he asked getting defensive.

"You do it in the office bathroom all the time. Hey amore I miss you....Wish you were under me now....Can you send a pic....", I said mimicking him. "What I don't do that!", he protested. "Yeah we can ask your wife about that.", I said. "Wait I really do that?", he asked being embarrassed. I nodded. "How many of you know?",he asked. "Most of us. But we chose to ignore it and move on. ", I said. Hah! I love embarassing him so much. Not everyone knows, except me, Phil and Ezra, but where's fun in that?

"Yeah enough about me,  now just keep talking about your situation.", he said clearly trying to avoid getting more and more embarrassed.

"Ahem well yes so while I was left alone this attractive I mean very attractive woman approached me.", I said.

"Mhm carry on.",he said as he picked up a water bottle from the bedside stand.

"Uh so she started a conversation...and then she most possibly drugged me...."

"What?!", he said after spitting some water out of his mouth.

"Yeah but the better part is right here. Sorry, I mean the worst part. Some guy she knew rescued me, took me to this room, which was huge....and then we kinda kissed and did the deed...and..."

"Wait wait WAIT! WHAT?!"

"And it was Valention Rhodes.", I finished. Silas choked on the water, spitting out a bit of it and coughing like hell. After regaining his composure he asked me once more to confirm,"So you did sleep with The Valentino Rhodes. Like it wasn't one crazy ass dream you had? It actually happened?"

"Yes it did."

He seemed bedazzled and flabbergasted.

"Man, I didn't know you swung that way."

"The thing is I don't. I was drunk and I did something stupid."

"Right after your break up."

"Yes right after my break up and you are not helping."

"Am I not allowed to be proud. My best friend just bagged the richest out of the richest out there. Now I can finally take my family to Maldives. Your hubby is paying."

"You did not just say that! If anything I should be the hubby!",I said offended.

"Yeah you both are the hubbies cause that's how it works.", he said making a point. But why the fuck are we referring to ourselves as "hubbies". I can't even stand him.

"Yeah let's forget about this thing."

"Nah this is interesting. Ain't never forgetting it.", he said it with a smirk spreading across his lips. I just remembered that as much as I loved embarrassing him, he liked doing the same to me.

"You know he could be a potential drug lord?", I told him.

"Well he could be. But he seems to be a good guy. He hosted so many charity programmes and—"

"Isn't that a rich people thing?", I asked cutting him midway.

"Yeah it is but like he actually donated the money to the charity. I, once met this little boy during one of our missions. He used to beg in the streets. I felt so bad that I gave him as much money I could during that time. After sometime, I saw him in a school uniform. I had previously thought that maybe he just picked it up from somewhere on the streets, but when I approached him he hugged me and called for his mother. His mother thanked me for helping them with the money. But deep down I knew that, that money wasn't enough to get him to school. So I asked his mother about it and she told that they were taken under an NGO. And all the money from the charity programmes funded by Rhodes were used up in their education and welfare. So, I kind of look up to that guy.", he said.

Damn, he seems like a good guy. Was I too quick judge him.

"But what about him following me like a pest?", I asked.

"Maybe it's a coincidence that you both meet up at certain places. I mean he is a national heartthrob and you bagged him so why let him go?", he asked.

"You sure wanna bag him more than me. I will let you have the honour.", I said bluntly.

"Hey! I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters waiting for me at home. So you can have him all to yourself. Anyways, I just remembered, tomorrow my younger daughter is going to be one year old. So, we are celebrating it and this whole department is invited and you have to show up.", he insisted.

"Oh I would definitely show up for my second favourite Jones.",I said smiling.

"You better, Rosa says she misses playing with you a lot.", he said.

"That's because I always lose!",I said.

"I can't help it if you lose to a 10 year old in minecraft.", he said.

"Come on we didn't have minecraft during our times.", I complained.

"I already have a 10 year old and a one year old to deal with. I don't wanna deal with a 28 year old as well."

"You called this upon yourself.", I said flashing him a big bright smile. Hah! Using your own medicine against you.

"Yeah whatever. If you have these nice teas in your life do inform me. I would love listening to them. See ya.", he said as he embraced me in a hug and finally left.

I freshened up,had dinner and went to bed. As soon as I my body fell on the bed, I melted into it. I really needed sleep.

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