Chapter one

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Hello my name is Sal but everyone I know calls me Sally or Sally face that probably because of my prosthetic that I wear on my face. No one I trust or even my friends see me without it. You may be wondering why is that? Or maybe why you wear a prosthetic? I look back on the stupid reason why I had to wear it back then when I was innocent. It all started when I was a kid and it was me and my mom waiting for my dad at a picnic spot for lunch. I saw a dog and me being a kid like every kid when they see a dog they want to pet it. I of course at that age asked my mom.
"Mom, there's a dog over there!," I was excited to see it.
"Sal sweetie I see the dog." My mom said, looking at the dog nearby as I pointed at it.
"Can I pet it?" I asked, still excited, wanting to go and pet it.
"Well sweetie, we're meant to wait for your father, sal." My mom said but being a young kid and not wanting to miss this choice of petting the dog, I begged and begged. Some Point I began begging and my mom realized how desperate I was and figured there would be no harm as long she comes to watch me pet it. That was the biggest mistake I ever made because as soon as I went to the dog to try to pet it it attacked me however my mom rushed into action the dog attacked  her and someone shot her behind her back. All I got from that was a messed up face. Till this day I can't look at myself in the mirror for too long or else I remember that day. I tried not to say it's my fault for what happened but I know it was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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