12.Nothing more-1

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Author's Pov

"I'm tired from all the crying, I'm tired from all the waiting but what can I do when my heart yearns only for your warmness, only for your love or what you showed as love.

Your pet is soo hungry like he never felt before, but I think this time your pet has to starve to death, because most of the pets who was abandoned by their owners never had any choices left on their plates other than death.

You may be think I'm pathetic but If your happiness with him I'm ready to sacrifice myself again and again till I feel numb with my pain and hunger. For your happiness I let you go like a obedient pet I was.

But remember this pet is still waiting in the same place you abandoned him  till his last breath leave his lungs,
my Love."

He give him a warm smile as usual but this time his both eyes fill with tears but not from happiness..... after sometimes the photo fell from his hands and but he unconsciously clutched the photo to his chest and slept......

It's already 6 in the morning next day and Everyone started to get busy with their daily routine like usually. But one little cutie still in his dream land in a peaceful slumber after a very long time. 
In the past Pete was one of heavy sleeper but now everything changed. Now he even bearly managed to sleep 3 or 4 hours straightly.

Usually he was up by now from his missereble dreams or unceasing panic attacks caused by his past affairs, but today he slept like a baby in same bed which he spent past every night without any sleep or rest while crying his heart out.

The door burst opened and three figures entered enthusiasmly one after another like hens trailing chicks with their usual hyperactive joyful behaviour like usually, but two of the three suddenly gasped and looking at eachother like they want to confirm that they are seeing not a dream or a hallucination.

"My Peteeeeee.... Ouuchh! Why you two suddenly stopped id___" The one who bumped into his bodyguards shoulder yelled from sudden pain.

The one who finally saw the sleeping cutie none other than our Thankun covered his mouth with both hands dramatically while leaning on the Arm's shoulder.

"Is he really sleeping? Or..." It was out of Pol's mouth before he could think. He's even ready to check Pete's breath. Khun glares at Pol's gesture and smaked his head. "Ouchh..."

"Can't you see?" Khun barked back quietly while showing Pete's chest rising and falling rhythmically.

"Didn't think about it." Pol awkwardly averted his gaze. Arm placed the warm milk coffee on the bedside table which he brings for Pete, while Pol and Thankun bickering with each other.

Again Khun's full attention turned to Pete. "Ohh my baby" Khun cooed at the sleeping cutie and aproched the bed quietly.

"He isn't the purest person ever you have seen?" Thankun asked while gently stroaking Pete's fluppy hair. Arm and Pol nod without any hesitation while looking fondly at their friend. But really, he is more like a little brother to them than a friend. Pete let out a little whine as he snuggles to the soft comfort evenmore. Khun quickly retracted his hand afraid to wake Pete up.

Khun being little dramatically as he shed few fake tears. Arm sighed as he looked at his dramatic boss. "Ok!! Let him sleep boys. We'll come later." Khun said as he stands up adjusting his pink featherly coat.

"I'm proud of you." Khun thought about someone while smiling ear to ear.

Khun, Arm and Pol came here as usually to escort Pete to have his breakfast in the cafeteria because after he came from hospital he always stayed in his room and stopped interact with other people if it was not really necessary. So they have to forcefully dragged him out from his room everyday to make sure that he didn't completely closed himself from others.

My Love (Slow Update)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz