Prompt 2: Fiction/Fantasy

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Genre: Werewolves (like the shapeshifters from Twilight [story not based on their fandom {no hate}])

Legend (because we won't give the main characters genders or names yet):

A = Protagonist

B = Protagonist's "love"/love interest

Protagonist (we'll call them A) is bullied within their pack (wow so original [note sarcasm]) and when they turn of age, they shift into their wolf form and get to meet their (soul)mate (we'll call them B), who rejects A (once again, how original). A runs away, stumble into a new pack's territory, and end up getting hurt. But later, A ends up recovering, discovering some deep secrets and lives in a royal pack as the next leader. Years later, A is requested to help their old pack who is dire need to saving from disbanding and meeting their ex-mate, B. Que training montage and drama. Then a big war breaks out and it leads to A getting injured in the battlefield. B is hyperventilating, worrying and crying as they watch their rejected mate, A, who B fell in love with once they realized their mistakes, slowly dying. B is pleading, screaming, begging for A not to leave them. 

And this is where it gets interesting! The story can end in different ways.

Ending 1: Safe

- B carries A to get medical attention/ gets someone to help bring A to get some medical attention.

- A survives and B begs for A to let them earn their trust and love.

     Split Routes: 

          #1: A accepts and it ends with a "happily ever after"

          #2: A rejects but they continue to be friends/ they move on and never meet again.

Ending 2: Not Safe:

- B somehow gets A the medical attention they need only for A to not survive. B is heartbroken and distraught.

     Split Routes Again:

          #1: B grieves for a while, but continues to live, knowing that A wouldn't want to wish anything drastic for them. Still very heartbroken, but has turned a new leaf. Does not end up with anyone out of respect for their (ex-)mate.

          #2: B is grieving and spirals downwards. Cannot move on and fully blames their-self for A's death. "Maybe if I didn't reject they..." "If only I was faster, then I could have....." "This is all my fault. I'm the reason they died." "It should have been me instead." Which leads to depression, self-harm, and hallucination.


Ending 3: Plot-Twist

- A was in a coma the whole time (starting from when they ran into a new territory and got injured) and everything that has been read/seen were events that could have happened, like a foreshadowing, but do not happen.

- B hears the news and makes their way to A in hopes of saving whatever pieces if left of their relationship.

- Only for A's health to being declining right as B arrives. Which leads to B to panic and plead, but sadly A does not make it. The end.

This prompt doesn't have to be in the werewolf fantasy, it can be in any as the writer pleases. This prompt is based on a book I previously tried to write but was going off rails. Also does not have to follow this exact prompt, and as shown, this can have different endings. 

Original story was based on a set of twins who were bullied. One found their mates within their pack but was rejected, and the twins ran away. Only to stumble upon the other twin's mate, but first twin got injured, went into a coma, found out the truth about their existence, and combines twin #2 mate's pack with royal pack. Did not get far. Was planning on doing a plot-twist ending or a safe ending.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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