10 - Lieutenant Lee Chun-Ho

Start from the beginning

You looked up, seeing them looking at you. "What?" You asked confused and not liking this weird tension. "Will Platoon leader be punished by execution?" Soyeon asked not believing a word Deokjoong just said. You thought about it. "He could be" and that was the answer no one wanted. People just let out complaints towards you. "Yah you asked for the answer, plus I doubt he would be" now they all went silent, listening to you. "What do you mean doubt?" Soyeon asked. "Oooh commander Y/n is pulling some strings" WuTaek cooed realising what you were going to say, everyone was confused. "What the hell are you on about?" Bora asked.

"Y/n family tree time-"

"No. It's not Y/n family tree time" you denied the boy his chance to finish his sentence. "Are you going to get your parents involved?" Taeman asked. "I could do"

"I'm so confused, what's so special about Y/ns parents?" Hana asked, just like many other members of the class, clueless to who your parents were.

"Commander Y/ns Mum and Dad are very high up military officials , that's why we call Y/n commander Y/n and that is why Ilha is scared of them knowing stuff" WuTaek said, the others in the class looking shocked. "So we could have called up your parents and gotten out of this?!" Joonhee asked very clearly annoyed with her whiny tone. "Ah yes let's call up the people who are trying their hardest to stop this problem to get us out of training when we were in no major threat." You said looking at the girl annoyed. "No major threat?! Look what's happened since then?" Joonhee shrieked. "By all means call them yourself, id love to see it" you spat at the girl. She opened her mouth very clearly annoyed with what you were saying. "Let's just move on from this, Y/n couldn't have done anything to of changed what happened to us" Jangsu said before anything went further.

"What about our extra points though?" Yeongsu asked. "If we don't finish the mission surely we won't get any" everyone just groaned at the boys comment. "Can you just shut the fuck up about that stuff" Ilha let out.

"It-" the boy paused, sniffing the air. Others starting to do the same and then the smell got to you. You quickly covered up your nose. "TAEMANNNN" you heard the girls whine. "It wasn't even me" he admitted whilst a majority of the group ran off.

"You really have perfect timing" WuTaek laughed. But then gaged as he started smelling the awful smell again. "I'm telling you it wasn't me this time. It seems I have competition " Taeman laughed, sure it wasn't him but still joking around. You just watched the two mess around amused. Jangsu sat down on the bed next to yours, looking at you. You turned your head to look at him. "If you ever want to talk let me know, get angry with me not anyone else" he said standing up again going to leave you just nodded, watching him go.

"Ooo does Y/n like Jangsu?" WuTaek teased. "Shut up" was all you said heading to bed. The two boys turned to each other and both looked confused. "Either turn the light off and sit in the dark or turn the light off and leave" you said annoyed and just wanting to get some sleep. They did the second quickly scurrying off.

But your peaceful sleep didn't last long as you were called for an emergency meeting. You just tiredly leaned against the wall listening to all the others speak about the spheres and how the big ones in the sky were giving orders down to the smaller ones on where to attack. A new discovery that wasn't known of before. The plan seemed to still be retreat but many people weren't too happy with this. Wanting to help out the other shelter before returning back to base. Some of the class were against it whilst the majority were for staying. Even SunYi was for staying and helping out the shelter. It was decided, after all it was pretty clear from reading the room. You were going to help out the shelter.

In the morning you all got ready for the day ahead, meeting up in the library to get an overview from Platoon Leader. "Attention, everyone. To seek out and eliminate every sphere all over the town is too dangerous. So we will call all the spheres here and eliminate them in one blow" you were pretty tired but hearing this woke you up. One blow? Now this was something exciting and worth the early morning.

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