Who is that!?

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  I was laying in my room when my door swung open. I looked over seeing Kir running towards me.

Kir- Kat we are going to hangout with Sean's best friends.
Me- you mean you are going to hangout with Sean's best friends
Kir- please Kat it's my first time meeting them
Me- fine just for you.
Kir- you might even like one of them
Me- I doubt it Kir. Let me get ready.
Kir- thank you!!

Kir left my room so I could get ready. I put my blue jeans shorts on and my white crop top. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I brushed my long brunette hair and put light makeup on. I walked out of the bathroom to run into Kir.

Kir- Sean is here!
Me- okay I'm ready just let me grab my bag.
Kir- no need I got everything we need.
Me- okay

We both walked down the stairs and was met with Sean at the door.

Sean- are y'all ready?
Kir- yes babe we are ready
Me- are your friends assholes?
Sean- no.
Kir- let's go

We all walked to Sean's car which I love. He owns a dodge charger. Kir doesn't care for it but I love it. We made a deal that I would get it if he decides to get rid of it.

We drove for an hour and finally pulled into an amusement park.

Me- you didn't tell me we were coming to an amusement park!
Kir- it was a surprise Kat.
Me- I would had immediately said yes if I knew.
Sean- you're a child at heart Kat.
Kir- yes she is a child at heart.
Me- I always will.

Sean finally parked and we all got out. Kir ran over and held Sean's hand so I just followed behind them like a puppy. Hopefully these friends of Sean's don't be assholes.

Sean- hope you're hungry because we are meeting at Panda Express.
Kir- our favorite Kat!
Me- I know.

We walked for about 15 minutes and finally seen Panda Express. We walked into the building and i immediately zoned out from all the people inside.

I heard my name being called which brought me out of the zone.

Kir- Kat are you okay?
Me- oh yea just my anxiety getting to me.
Kir- it's okay just take a deep breath and exhale.

I did what Kir told me to do and felt a little relief. I finally followed Kir and Sean to the table his friends were sitting at waiting on us.

We get to the table and their are two guys one is very good looking. The other one is super nice. He stood up and shook mine and Kir's hand.

Sean- let's sit
Sean's friend - well are you going to introduce us?
Sean- right. Kir meet Jay and Bert.
Kir- nice to meet you two this is my sister Kat.

Sean went around and sat next to Jay so Kir sat across from Sean and I sat across from Bert. It was quiet for awhile until Kir spoke up.

Kir- Kat you want to share a meal with me? You know we both won't finish a whole meal.
Bert- she can share with me I won't eat the whole meal either.
Kir- are you sure?
Bert- yes
Me- thank you.
Bert- no problem

The waitress finally came up to take our order

Waitress- Hi, I apologize for the wait. Are you ready to order?

She looked at Bert with a flirty look.

Bert- yes, May my date and I get a order of the orange chicken with rice..
Me- fried rice please.

The waitress looked over at me and gave me a mean look.

Waitress- okay, I see you don't have a drink what would you like?
Me- water please, thank you.

She finally looked at Jay and he ordered the sweet and sour chicken with rice. She finally walked over to Kir and Sean.

Waitress- what would you two like to order?
Kir- well we are sharing so orange chicken and fried rice. Also do not look at my sister like that again or I will talk to your manager.
Waitress- I'm not sure what you're talking about ma'am.
Sean- we also would like two sweet teas and that's it.

The waitress walked away.

Me- Kir it's all good.
Kir- Bert , I get why you said Kat is your date because you were obviously not interested but next time at least just stick up for her.
Me- seriously it's okay. Let's enjoy our meals.

Kir finally squashed it and we all remained silent until our food was brought to the table. Each time Bert would get a piece of orange chicken so would I. There was a point where we would just look into each others eyes. It was romantic but kinda awkward at the same time.

We all finally finished eating and when Kir went to pull out money Sean stopped her.

Sean- no babe I'll pay.
Bert- I'll pay for mine and Kat's meal.
Sean- I'll pay for Jay.

The checks were paid and we finally started headed towards the rides. We did have a walk to our first ride. It did help us let our stomach settle from eating. Once we got to our first ride everyone was picking riding partners when a girl walked up to Bert. We didn't notice at first that it was the waitress we had at Panda Express.

Girl- hi, I don't have anyone to ride with May I ride with you?
Bert- no , my date here is my riding partner.. you can ride with my cousin Jay though.

The girl got on and rode with Jay but walked away once we got off of the ride.

Me- I'm so glad she is gone. She is getting annoying and definitely is trying way to hard.
Jay- more so a creep. She had to have followed us.
Bert- you two aren't lying.
Kir- I can handle her.
Sean- no let's enjoy our day.

We listened to Sean and headed to another ride. We got in line which was a 15 minute wait.

Me- so who is everyone riding with this time?
Bert- we are riding partners for the day.
Me- what about Jay ? He will always be singled out.
Jay- no it's all good I like riding alone anyways.
Sean- Kir and I can switch off and on with Jay since Bert here has claimed Kat for his own.
Kir- awe does Bert have a crush on my sister? How adorable!

We all laughed. Then Bert put his arm around me.

Bert- I do have to say Kat here does have the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen.

I felt my cheeks start to get hot so I knew that made me blush.

Sean- awe look Kats blushing

I turned my head into Bert's chest to hide my face when Bert used his other hand to lift my head up to look at him.

We got interrupted though by the line moving.

Once we got to the part where got to choose our seats , Bert and I chose the back while everyone chose the middle. While we were waiting for the gate to open to let us on the coaster Bert grabbed my hand. He held my hand up until the point we had to buckle up but once we were done he grabbed ahold of my hand again. Normally I don't let anyone do this but I feel a connection with Bert that I haven't felt before.


The park was getting ready to close so we all called it a night. Bert and Jay walked with us to Sean's car. Kir and Sean got in right away after saying their goodbyes and see you later. I went to open the back door but Bert opened it before I could.

Bert- goodnight Kat, don't be a stranger.
Me- Goodnight Bert , you either.

I got in Sean's car and Bert shut the door.

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