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Dark Choco cookie is Pansexual and Caramel Arrow is Bisexual

Dark Choco is 32 and Caramel Arrow is 31

They have a 12 year old foster daughter with autism and ADHD named 'Caramel Toffee cookie' but they both call her 'Funny cookie' because she is kinda hyperactive and really funny whenever her hyperactivity reaches it's limit, and a 3 year old birth son named 'Caramel Choco cookie'

'Funny' cookie usually calls Caramel Arrow cookie 'Foster-Stepmother' whilst calling Dark choco 'Foster Father'

Caramel Choco has OCD, he's gay but he doesn't know yet, and likes everything neat
'Funny' cookie is a lesbian and wants to do everything to protect Dark choco even though she is too young, she kinda wants to be like him [Daddy's girl XD]

Whenever Caramel Choco is upset, he comes crying to his 'mama' and 'Papa' for comfort [Momma's boi XD (But also a Daddy's boi)]

Pet peeves [Caramel Arrow]:

- Caramel Arrow cookie hates being carried by Dark choco cookie, she finds it embarrassing especially if he has her over the shoulder, she'll just be fisting at his back and he "won't" Feel a thing.

- Caramel Arrow usually washes the dishes but will not put up with the laundry, she'll beg someone else to do it; She basicly can't stand the smell of the laundry.

Pet peeves [Dark choco]:

- Dark choco cookie has an allergy to Citrus, cause if he accidentally gets Citrus or touches it, his throat will swell and he'll struggle to breathe; hence why he always carries an allergy pen he stole from when he left the darkness.

Pet peeves [Caramel Toffee cookie)

- Despite feeling like she can do anything, this lil troublemaker absolutely H A T E S the feeling of rough stone on any surface, it makes her feel uncomfortable as she prefers to feel smooth things, like silk.

Dark choco has depression and Caramel Arrow cookie has schizophrenia and anger issues

That's all the headcanons for now, enjoy the fanfic when I do chapter 1. See ya my Creatures of the dark! ^^

Strawberry jam sword and Boba tea [Dark choco cookie x Caramel Arrow cookie]Where stories live. Discover now