17. glimpse of him

Start from the beginning

He lets the quiet sound cover him like a blanket. His movement are almost as quiet as the small Breese coming from the tiny window at the top.

I sit down next to him and rest my head agaisnt the washing machine letting coping him.

He moves his head so its turned towards me. I do the same. We both stay quiet and i wander through his eyes.

The time pases quickly, i forgot that time exists. The beep of the washingmachine echoes through the small room.

Ash stands up and turns it off. He gets the clothes out of there and looks at me. "I was about to" he says quietly. His voice harsh from not speaking for hours and a mix of his morning voice.

"What?" I ask him confused. "I was about to leave" he breaths out fully saying the sentence out loud. Its harsh like a knife through my chest.

"Oh" i say and stand up from the cold ground. "Are you going now?" I ask him and he shakes his head. He will stay. He will be here for longer. I cant help but feel relieved.

"Why did you want to leave?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders. "I used to love these streets when i was younger but now... they feel like im walking a ghost town. I realised what i loved here was the people i knew. Like my parents but right now non of that is here. There is nothing" he confesses.

"Then why are you saying?" I ask. I already knew the things he had told me. I knew about his parents and where they are right now. I knew about his past more then anyone.

"I'm not sure myself" ash says with a soft smile hiding the pain. We stay quiet as we go back to the apartment.

He took a shower and borrowed some of my clothes. I got a banana for breakfast because the stress made me sick and eating in the morning wont help me.

I wait for him to be done while i stare out the window people watching. I always liked to people watch when i was younger. While i was in training and had to wait for hours i used to count how many people passed by and thought of a story behind the person. It used to calm down the nerves i had.

Ash finally arrives from the bathroom and his hair is drenched in water while he is brushing a towel through it.

The clothes are still to big on him but he doesnt mind. He hasnt complained even one time other then the whole coutch situation.

"Lets make these streets feel like your home again" i say and he looks at me a bit confused. "You said you liked it here because of the people, so let me show you how i can be that person" i say to him faking the confidence i have.

"Oke" he says after a few secconds of staring at me confused. I gather some things i might need today and we walk out of the apartment.

The streets are full of people because its saturday. A lot of people rush by us of all ages and all different type of expressions with their clothes or hair or makeup.

Everyone is so unique and nobody is the same as the last person you saw. After so many years i still havent fantomed the idea.

The streets gets bussier and its hard to keep close to ash. People push through us and i start to dislike the amount of people here.

I take ash his hand so he wont get separated from me. I didnt fully grasp the action i took but now its to late.

His fingers intertwine with mine and fit there perfectly. The feeling in my stomach fluthers up and my heart is beating faster in my ears.

I could feel my whole body react to his touch but i didnt try to look shocked. I tried to act like its a casual thing we did.

A thing we will always do.

I look his way and his face got a hint of red drawn on it and i bite my inner lip trying to hide my smile.

He looks my way too and then down to our hands. He doesnt say anything but his face tells me enough.

We push through the crowd and go through a alleyway thats painted with different kids games.

We walk some more and then pass through a other street. Until were back at the apartment again. We walked the wrong way. We walk right past it and stroll alongside the grachten.

The street is less bussy here and not crowed. We could easily walk next to eachother and holding eachothers hand isnt nesecerry.

But still. We keep our hands intertwined and i wont be the first to let go.

"Do you still have family living here?" I ask ash and he shrugs his shoulders. "I guess so" he says "my aunt lives here but i dont think she wants to see me again after so many years and after having to go through so much because of me" he says quietly letting his voice fade into a wisper.

"Maybe she is searching for you" i say but he shakes his head. "I like her to believe i got adoped into a good family and forgot about everything here" he says and i could see that everything about him wants to go but wont.

I squeeze his hand so he can feel that he has me. He looks at me like his emotions faded away and lets my hand go.

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