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Michael is 17 years old, uses he/him, and exclusively is seen in a hospital gown. He says he has accepted his imminent death, but he really hasn't. He is Sam's boyfriend. He can have hair honestly, this part doesn't really matter as much as the energy brought to it- this tough sort of 'nothing affects me' energy about him should be a mask for the resentment he harbors for his father and his sadness over his own death. After he dies, he becomes Michael's ghost, and wears all white with a bright red broken heart painted on his shirt, over his heart.

Sam is 16 years old and is Michael's significant other. What gender Sam is/pronouns used can change depending on production. Sam dresses sort of like Miriam Wexler from Turning Red. Flannels, graphic tees, general androgyny in terms of style. Sam is, naturally, upset that their boyfriend is dying. Any instance of "*" following a pronoun indicates that this refers to Sam and can be changed according to production decided pronouns.

Father is Michael's father, Adam. He's in his late 40s. He should dress not quite like a stereotypical dad- a bit nerdier. A Star Wars t-shirt under a winter coat, worn jeans, work boots. A cross-body bag, maybe.

Sexy Nurse/Mother's ghost
The Sexy Nurse is a reference to the original draft of the jukebox musical. It's just a nurse that acts like a regular nurse (she has a cup of what we can only hope is coffee at all times) but is wearing one of those 'sexy nurse' costumes you can get at Spirit Halloween. Mother's Ghost is the ghost of Michael's mother, Elaine, who died in a car accident. She should be wearing all white, with a large red stain in the vague shape of a steering wheel on her chest. She carries a sad energy and moves slowly in comparison to the Sexy Nurse, who moves very quickly. Think, like, Blue Diamond vibes from Steven Universe.

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