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Today's special:
Long ass sentences.

"79... 79..." 

It was but the minimum required score to be able to make it into U.A. yet you were struggling to get a consistent grade anywhere near the benchmark. After hours of study and practice exams the words on your paper seemed to melt together, creating an entirely new script of blots and stains. 

Hero's Constitution, Article IV: Minor altercations... major altercations- only a certain percentage of skin may be exposed. Body surface to armor ratio...

Your patience wanes as the bulb to the lamp you'd been reading by darkens with a pop and plunges you into the reality that you'd been labouring at your desk until sunrise, the sunlight still too dim to be of any use other than bathing your small bedroom in an orange tinge. It rests in a slit that runs across your lamp, now quiet and somewhat outdated, true to your living conditions.

You aren't particularly well off and it wasn't ever too much of an issue with the lengths your grandparents would push themselves to provide their beloved granddaughter with a comfortable life. Working past the age of retirement, they tried to hide it behind hushed conversations and mugs upon mugs of coffee but dark circles never lie. Nor did the paperwork given to you to draw on as a kid, copies of invoices and divorce papers alike. 

As a child you'd traced the ever-growing knobs on your grandfather's hands with wonder, listening to him rattle about a strange customer he'd gotten or a beat up table he'd refurbished. When he noticed you staring he always put on a strong smile, "yes, my heart." He'd run his knobbly fingers gently over the soft pads of your palm while you giggled from the touch. 

"You see, people are like trees. They start out young and springy but then," he grimaces comedically making you giggle more, "then they get all old and ugly. One day you'll look just like me too."

"But you're not ugly, grandpa!" You'd always say, "you're hard and strong, like a big tree with giant branches!" 

"All the better to protect you, my heart. But am I not just a little bit wrinkly?" You pause to think.

"Very wrinkly. But in a good way, like a raisin." 

Your grandfather would always fake another grimace and shake his head in disbelief but even then you could see the hint of a smile before it disappeared under the folds of his leathery skin.

"Whatever you say, little tree."

The years went by and you feigned ignorance knowing they'd never want you to be burdened by the weight of their generosity but silently promised them one thing: you're going to become the best Hero there ever was. One day you're going to stand among the ranks of All Might and Endeavor brimming with pride and success, your grandparents would never have to worry about anything again.

But there comes the biggest issue. Of course, there are a few known self-made heroes that pop up from time to time but they're often reliant on their incredibly powerful quirks or innate talents. You, on the other hand, aren't specifically strong nor skilled, equipped with a simple summoning ability that allows you to call anything within five contacts away... as long as you can visualize what you were trying to summon. It wasn't horrible and it was better than nothing and you'd been told before that you had potential but it just wasn't the flashy or marketable quirk of a Gang Orca or a Kamui Woods. If anything, you saw yourself to have more of a chance as a petty thief.

That leaves your best bet at becoming a Pro Hero to be attending a good hero academy to focus on the development of your power and acquire other helpful skills, but your options are very limited in terms of schools. Shiketsu High or Ketsubutsu Academy are both incredible picks but you aren't too keen on riding a bullet train for a minimum of four hours a day to school and back unless you have absolutely no choice. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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