Trixie scowled and stomped a hoof on the ground. "Oh, who cares?" Trixie said, irritated. "You didn't come here for my magic show. You probably came to see the comedian, didn't you?"

"Nope! I'm on a date!" Twilight said proudly.

"My sympathies to your date, then," Trixie said. "He must be a very unlucky stallion. As it turns out, though, I have a date as well, and I can't miss it because of magical nitpickers like you."

"Uh...okay..." Twilight said meekly. "Sorry for bothering you."

Twilight stayed by the doorway, but nopony else came nearby. After waiting a few more minutes, Twilight frowned and went back to the lobby, in case her date was waiting there. To Twilight's surprise, Fleur and Shining Armor were talking with Trixie.

"Ah, here he is now!" Fleur said, as Twilight approached.

Trixie took one look at Twilight, then turned back to Fleur. "I don't see him anywhere."

Shining Armor paled. "Wait, Fleur..." he said. "Are you saying that-?"

Fleur grabbed Twilight's hoof and pulled her towards Trixie. "Twilight, meet Trixie. She's your date for tonight!"

"Whaaaaaat?" Twilight and Trixie shouted.

"Twilight is your date!" Fleur said.

"But she-I-" Trixie stammered.

"Is this some sort of joke?" Shining asked.

"I can't date her! We're both mares!" Twilight said.

Fleur looked surprised. "You're a mare?" she asked. "But Twilight is a boy's name!"

"No it's not!" Twilight said.

"But you have boyish bangs," Fleur said. "And that hoofball jersey you're wearing..."

"It's a dress!" Twilight said hotly. Trixie snickered a bit at this, causing Twilight to glare at her.

Shining Armor was rubbing his forehead. "Fleur, I can assure you that my sister Twilight isdefinitely a mare."

"Oh," Fleur said. "I'm sorry. I thought...I thought I was supposed to get a date for your brother."

"Ah, jeez..." Shining Armor said. "Of all the ridiculous..."

Fleur rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled apologetically. "Sorry?" she said.

"I don't believe this!" Trixie said.

Twilight let out a huge sigh. Great. My first date is over, before it even started. Just like at Prom. Why did I expect that tonight would be anything other than a disaster?

"I...I guess I'll just go home..." Twilight said sadly. "You and Fleur can go on to the restaurant without us."

"What? Oh, no you don't!" Trixie said.

"Huh?" Twilight asked.

"You are not backing out of this date that easily!" Trixie hissed.

Twilight's face flushed red, as Trixie pulled her aside a few feet, out of hearing distance of the other two unicorns.

"You...want to date me?" Twilight asked, her voice little more than a squeak. "But...I don't like that way..."

"Me, neither," Trixie said. "I like stallions. In fact, I've probably had more coltfriends than you can count."

Twilight wasn't sure if she should be relieved, jealous or offended. She settled for being confused. "Then, why do you want to-?"

"I was promised a free meal, at one of my favorite restaurants," Trixie said. "I've been looking forward to this for days! You're not going to cheat me out of it!"

Twilight Sparkle's First DateWhere stories live. Discover now