"Surprise, surprise, they told me I wouldn't get cleared till the first of the year but like I always do I prove everyone wrong. A few hours ago, I got the all clear," I smirked and the crowd cheered. "Now ring the damn bell!" I yelled to the ref throwing the mic back down. Solo had laid out all of Fantasma. The bell rang, the crowd cheered again, and Zelina slowly stood up on trembling legs, but that didn't stop her from storming up to me and we started trading punches. I finally grabbed her arm and swung her to the ropes. When she came back to me, she jumped up wrapping her legs around my neck trying to flip me but I caught her and turned it into a sitting powerbomb. I wasn't done there I quickly picked her up by her hair and did my signature move the Wild Tornado. It felt good to do that again. I went for the cover and the win was mine. I stood up over Zelina pointing my finger in her face and yelling at her. The camera was there in my face so I glared right into the lens.

"Were you watching Charlotte because this is going to be you," I sneered. The camera panned back and I stood up as the ref handed me my title while Solo stood next to me. He crossed his arms and I rest my hand on his shoulder while I held up my title in the other. I saw the point from the camera guy and knew we were at commercial. Solo and I got out of the ring and went back to gorilla. There was one more quick match before The Bloodline would end the night. In gorilla I sat at a table while hair and makeup staff helped me pull myself back together to look presentable to go back out again.

"You good," Solo asked as I retouched my makeup.

"Never better," I grinned at him.

"They're here," Solo informed. I finished what I was doing and stood back up. The rest of The bloodline had emerged into gorilla.

"Awesome segment Little Uce," Jimmy said with a high five.

"Glad to see you haven't lost your touch," Jey said as we bumped fist.

"Thanks guys, it felt good to be back out there fighting," I said. They all stepped aside as Roman approached.

"Chief," I said.

"Way to handle business, Wildfire," he said stepping close.

"Thanks, Chief, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to keep myself in check but I was able to," I explained.

"You okay going back out there with us, I need you there," he insisted.

"Hell yeah, I'm good to be wherever you are," I told him. He winked at me.

"Bloodline ready," a crew member said. Roman made his way to the curtain. I quickly put my jacket back on and my title over my shoulder.

"Hang on," one of the makeup girls said as she dabbed my forehead with a paper towel. Roman's music started.

"Briar," Roman demanded.

"Good enough," the girl said and I moved quickly to the front of the group to my spot behind Roman.

"Sorry Chief," I said. He nodded then went out, Paul and I following. The twins behind us then Solo and Sami. We did the usual entrance on the ramp then in the ring. I'd had a long night so I stood back and off to the side by Solo. Paul handed Roman the mic and asked the crowd in Chicago to acknowledge him. I stared at Sami he looked nervous, hell I was nervous because I didn't know what was going to happen. Roman talked then looked over his left shoulder at Sami.

"See tonight was going to be a good night for you, but we got a problem. We got a KO problem," Roman explained. I saw the disappointment in Sami's eyes but I felt relief wash over me. Roman went on to say how KO was dragging Sami down and if he's a problem for Sami then he's a problem for The Bloodline. He told him KO made a mistake when he attacked Solo from behind last week and tried to fight with me. Sami got a mic and went on to agree with Roman but then made a mistake by saying he was the only friend KO had. My body tensed and Roman didn't looked pleased. Sami tried covering it up by saying he used to be his friend. Sami said he couldn't wait to team up with Roman and take on KO and whatever opponent he picked.

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