Chapter One

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I am in a crowd full of people I don't know.

I stared at the maroon train in front of me and the brown haired brown eyed girl looked back. Her hair was in a high pony with a red bow placed and tied to perfection.

I had a large crimson jumper and black leggings.

I held my satchel on my shoulders wrapping the fingers of one hand around the straps keeping me comforted in this uncomfortable situation.

I was on a platform. Platform nine and three quaters to be exact. The place was bustling with wizards and wiches of all ages some old and wrinkly while others had soft skin and still needed to be cradled by their parents. The chatter of mothers reminding their children to 'be good' and the usual 'stay safe' being loud enough to block out the babies wailing on the other side of the platform.

Yet I didn't hear a single thing. Unless you count the tune of  'American pie' in the walkman I had.

This would be my 4th time starting into a new school and my 4th year into wizarding education. Yet only my first in a school I actually wanted to go to.

I took a breath hoping for the best for this year before boarding the half empty train.

I walk around looking for an empty compartment not wanting to burden anyone with having to talk or even look at me.

I finally found one near the middle of the train and sat there by the window, my walkman now in my satchel as I sit looking at all the families waving at their children hugging them or smothering them in kisses as they turned red in embarrassment.

I longed for that. For someone to willingly hug and kiss me and not want to leave me. Ever.

Then a sudden shudder and the train began to move as parents ran trying to keep their children in their loving gaze.

I heard a click as the compartment door slides open and I hear the laughs of three boys.

"Come on Peter. Nows not the time to hug the floor." A boys with brown messy hair, hazel eyes that held mischieve and golden rimmed round glasses says.

His friends, a boy with long black hair and familiar stormy grey eyes, laughs as he helps up the third boy.

He had blue eyes that were full of joy and neatly placed blonde hair.

They enter the compartment and their laughter stopped as they saw me occupying it.

"I'm sorry" I start "I'll go find another compartment. I'm sure they'll be more empty ones." I stand up and am just about to reach for my trunk when the boy with messy hair puts his hand over mine.

"It's fine you can stay. I'm James Potter." He put out his hand to shake and I did so.

"Sirius Black." Said the boy with the grey eyes.

"Peter Pettigrew." squeaked the blonde.

"Maddison Evans." I say shaking their hands as well.

"Evans? Like Lily Evans." Says James his face lighting up almost instantly at the sound of my wretched sisters name.

"Yeah she's my sister." I say the words trying to seem casual but it was all a lie. Lily couldn't have been less of a sister to me.

"I've never seen you around before. Are you new?" Sirius asked eyeing me cautiously as he sat opposite me James and Peter next to him.

"Yeah I am actually it's my first year here." I feel excited saying that I am starting Hogwarts much more that when I stated the other schools.

"How come you haven't been to Hogwarts before? Where were you?"
Peter asked obviously curious.

"Oh I got expelled from my last three schools for pranks." I wasn't sure how they would react but I defiantly didn't think they'd do what they did.

James sand Sirius shared a look before both turning to Peter all their eyes wide. Well there goes my chance of friends.

"You got expelled for pranks!" James exclamed seeming...excited? No. It couldn't be.

"That is so cool. What schools did you go to and what pranks got you expelled. Peter get the parchment!" Sirius said looking eager to recieve the information.

Peter pulled our a piece of parchment and a quill dipping it in ink before nodding in my direction to start speaking.

I chuckle at there dynamics but tell them anyway.

"I went to Ilvermorny got out of there when I changed everyone's robes into there opposing houses colour and made them look and speak like them."

Peter wrote furiously fast while the other two stared at me jaws dropped.

"Then in Durmstrang the headmaster said one to one of the boys that his hair was too long and he needed to cut it. So I helped the head by cutting his beard till it was practically non existence and died his moustache and remaining hair neon pink."

I smirked at the thought of his angry red face as he cursed me over and over again.

"Then in Beaxtonbatons I set free some of the flying horses they kept and dropped paint on all the school. Best part was the dye was all over them and it stayed for a week and even after that they still were tinted colours.

I looked over at their shocked expressions and smirked

"You got that Peter?" I ask teasingly as he nods.

The the compartment clicks again this time revealing a familiar face.

"Sorry I'm late I couldn't find the prefect place and then ended up in a conversation with the ravenclaw prefect." The sandy haired boy said while lightly touching a scar on his arm.

Then he lifted his head and his eyes met mine.

"Maddy?" He asked.

"Hi Remmy." I say before he tackles me into a bear hug.

"Okay what's happening? Remus do you know this prank in queen?" Sirius demands.

I laugh as Remus pulls away his hands on my arm assessing me as if to check if I am real.

"Me and Remmyvhave been pen pals since first year. We met the summer previous and talked since."

I say as we sit down his arm around me comfortingly.

"Wait! She's the mystery girlfriend!?" James says abruptly.

"Girlfriend? No. No no no. Remmy is like my brother and I don't do incest. No offence Black." I say tipping my head at him as the compartment shakes in laughter at the last line.

"Wait does that mean you know who we are?" Peter askes.

"Well" I start looking over at Remus "It's kind of obvious. James is the mischievous one who is also the mum of the group as well as the therapist friend. Sirius is the rebel also has bad boy teenager energy. Peter is the sweet one who is actually nice from the lot. Then there's Remus the smart I-still-don't-know-why-I'm-friends-with-these-sods one.

I explain as another wave of laughter hits us.

"Accurate." They say in (scarily) sync.

"Hey Maddy what house do you think your going to be in?" Remus says eyebrows raised.

"Maybe Gryfindor. I wanna be with you." I say firmly and they all nod in agreement.

"Yeah you would fit in for sure. I mean your funny who wouldn't like you." Sirius says as if it the most obvious thing ever.

"Yeah." I say even thought it would be easy for the whole world to hate me by saying 4 words.

Four words.

I smile as we carry on talking and laughing about our past experiences. Luckily no one realises that all of my happy times are with Remus or pranking.

Non of my 'home' or 'family'.

(: :)

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