Chapter 7 - Give Me Love

Start from the beginning

"No, not particularly"

"I see, I'm in the soccer club since junior high so I am planning to join the soccer club. You can join too if you are interested."

"Thank you, but I think sports clubs are not suitable for me. How about you Chitose? Do you intend to join the music club?"

Kiyo throws the conversation at me. "I'm still undecided about joining, I didn't see any benefit in joining because I already have a professional music career. I can use the time to do other things. But, If you join the music club, I will join too~"

"That's rather abrupt." He said with the same expressions he always uses.

"Your fingers~" He is still pretending not to understand.

"Your fingers look like someone who trained in Piano. Have you played Piano? No, I'm sure you have trained before."

"A little, But I am pretty average."

I raised one of my eyebrows. "Pretty average huhh..." As if I would buy it.

Eventually, the club presidents finished their introduction and Horikita Manabu stand alone on the stage.

He has sleek black hair and a slender body. Wearing cool glasses with a strict gaze. He is an ikemen.

Though not my type. I steal a glance at Kiyo from the corner of my eyes. My type is Kiyo of course <3.

Horikita Manabu stands for thirty seconds without talking. So a few of the first-years misunderstand him forgetting his speech and they gave him a little encouragement.

"Do your best~"

"Did you forget to bring your notecards~?"


The standstill continues until the whole gym is quiet with silence.

"My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president.

"Horikita..?" I can hear Kiyo's murmur beside me.

"The student council is also looking for first-years to replace the graduating third-years. There are no strict requirements to apply for the position, but those who are interested should not be affiliated with any other clubs. Generally, we do not accept any candidate involved in other clubs"

"Also, we, the student council, are not looking for anyone that has a naive way of thinking. Not only will that kind of person fail to get elected, they will inevitably become a stain to this school. The student council is only responsible for regulating the students, but the school expects much more. Those of you that understand can become potential candidates"

After that, the chairman said a few closing words. Each club began to open reception stands for recruitment.

Our group is very large so I decided to walk separately from them. Because who knows how long it takes for them to finish with that large group.

"I will walk around because I'm still deciding which club to join."

"Okay, I will go to the soccer club, " Hirata replied to me.

"See you Yuri-chan~"

"See you."

The girls followed Hirata to the soccer club. Kiyo began to waver about whether to follow Hirata or me.

"Follow me. Give Hirata the time with his harem." I winked one of my eyes at him. I chuckled a little at my own words. Poor Hirata. Bless you.

Kiyo nodded. "Harem... Hirata is amazing. He is confident, smooth, and easy to talk to. No wonder the girls chase after him. While I am struggling to make a friend. If only I have 1% of his ability to make friends."

My Reincarnation in Classroom of the Elite (Kiyotaka x OC)Where stories live. Discover now