Part 2

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The police station was a piece of perfection. Everything was simply organized and clean, just the way Sheriff Anderson liked it. He had a system. All his officers knew it, and anyone that came into the office knew it as well. As long as he kept the system clean and organized, things ran perfect, just the way he liked it. What he didn't like, was his newest recruit, tracking sand and mud all through his lobby like a slob. His girlfriend seemed the same. Her army green coat was dusty and old, looking like it would fall apart on his floor at any moment. Her scrawny limbs carried a lanky torso, unlike Jeremys bulky stature. Their two different appearances didn't clash well in his opinion. They came behind the front desk in a rush, Jeremy leading the way through the office with Annie Grace in quick pursuit.
"Where do you think you're going," Anderson stated, using his body to block the couple. The sheriff's stomach reached out well past the cuff of his belt, with pecs so swollen with fat that they tented out at his uniform. Another officer patted at his shoulder, with a full hearted laugh.
"No worried sheriff. They know their way around their office. Besides, I gave them permission to be here past hours," The officer said, winking towards Jeremy with a grin. Sheriff Anderson, who was oblivious to this action, nodded in agreement before shuffling off.
"Thanks Bill," Jeremy stated. He wrapped his arm around Annie Grace's neck, pulling her close. "I don't believe you've had the chance to meet my Fiance,"
Bill chuckled.
"No, but I've heard much about her. Officer Bill Jenson, investigative unit," He stated, sticking out his hand for her to shake. She did so with a quick jolt of his arm, before rummaging through her hip pack, pulling out a small portable camera.
"Then you would be just the person to help us with this. We were offroading on the Bittermen trailhead, and came across an old red 1964 Mustang. It's got a big gash in the windshield, Jeremy here says it came from the inside," She said, showing him a clear picture with the license plate in view.
Now Bill Jenson was one of the finest in his unit, not only with his expertise, but with his strength. Every part of his body looked as if it were carved from stone. His expression always wore a smile, hiding a small scar in the trace of his dimples that he got from a family coffee table. His smile was always locked, his facial muscles always pulling a grin. But today, as he laid eyes on that picture, Bill's face sank into the biggest frown Annie Grace had ever seen, his thick bushy eyebrows furrowing in a worried state.
"Officer Torrey! Run this plate here. I believe it belongs to my brother,"

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